Go steady

13 4 2

River POV:

I stare at Tasha's shocked face while I try to hide my own.

"Wait. . . You two- actually-" She stutters tripping over her words.

That's right! Take that hit to your huge ego! It's even bigger than Jordan and my ego combined. That's a first.

"Yup. What did you expect?" I smile innocently at her when I know and Jordan knows that I am completely not innocent.

"B-but you're ugly!" What the- this evil little brat. I'm already hatching a death plot for her. 😇 I AM INNOCENT!

"Yes she is. But at least she doesn't look like a troll. Unlike you." I choke back my laughter when Jordan decides to speak up. He finally had a good roast! (Not counting those other ones over Instagram. Because I outburned him!)

I smile at him. Good smurf fish!

Then he whispers to me, in a casual way so no one can tell that we're actually talking. "Want to piss her off even more?"

Oh heck to the yes I do!

"Completely." I answer. But what he did was not what I expected.

He gave me a quick ghost kiss on the cheek. And I swear, at that moment, I have never wanted to slap him more.

But. . . On the plus side, it was worth it to see Tasha's face. To be fair, she deserves it.

This didn't come out like I wanted it to, but hope you still enjoyed

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This didn't come out like I wanted it to, but hope you still enjoyed. 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏

Dear Enemy, I Am Sorry (DEIAS #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora