Khazad-dum and Scars

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*Note* This chapter is filled with much fluff. Will make all fangirls go crazy. Almost creid writing this. Hope you enjoy it. Much Avalos in this. Do enjoy the chapter. This is the last one for this book. The sequel Golden Hearts will be out... maybe tomorrow... it all really depends on when I want to start it. For now enjoy the last chapter. Than you all wwho read my story to this very moment. I hope you are happy with how all this turns out. I also hope you love the Avalos love as much as I loved writing Avalon and Legolas. *End of Speach :)*


Avalon holds Legolas' hand as they walk through the beautiful forest. It's amazing and even the mourning comrades sees the beauty. All, but Gimli. He takes a different view on the forest. "Stay close, young hobbits." He whispers. "They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods, an elf-witch, of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell-" Avalon blocks him out as she rests her head on Legolas' arm. Legolas looks down at her and smiles. He takes his hand out of hers, with great difficulty because she doesn't quiet want to let go, and he wraps an arm around her. He pulls her close and she rests against him.

"-And are never seen again." Avalon hears the end of what Grimli says. Avalon looks at Legolas who simply rolls his eyes.

"Mr. Frodo?" Sam asks looking and sounding concern.

"Well here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily." Gimli says, oblivious to his friend's confusion. "I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox- oh." An arrow is pointed at his nose causing Alavon to look around only to see they are surrounded by an army of elves. Avalon would have laughed at Gimli if it isn't for the army of elves, like previously stated. Legolas and Avalon holds up their bow and holds one elf each at arrow point, but six more are pointed at the two. Legolas looks at Avalon with a very uneasy look.

Aragorn holds his hands up, telling them that he only wants peace. An elf steps forward and speaks. "The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark." He says smugly causing Avalon to roll her eyes.

Gimli growles at the elf, but Aragon cuts him off as he speaks in Elvish. "Haldir of Lorien." Aragorn says bowing down to the elf. "We come here in peace. We only seek your help." He says. (Unsure about this line in the movie, so I'm sorry if it is wrong.)

"Aragorn!" Gimli cries. "These woods are perilous! We should go back!"

"We entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood." Haldir tells them. "You cannot go back. Come. She is waiting." He says before he spins on his heels and starts off, leading them to the elf woman that he speaks of.

"Hopefully we get some sleep." Legolas sighs, looking down at Avalon. "You look exhausted." Avalon nods as she rests against him.

The group stand before a short staircase. Two elves slowly make their way to them. They are the rulers of Lothlorien. Avalon finds it hard to look upon them with the light that shroud them, they are just so fair. "Nine there are here." The male elf leader speaks, his name is Celeborn. "Yet ten there were set out from Riverdell. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him." He says causing Avalon to look down.

The female elf closes her eyes before opening them once more. "He has fallen into shadow." She whispers out, Aragorn nodding to her. "The quest stands upon the edge of a knife." She goes on to say. "Stary but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all." She turns to Boromir, whose breath grows ragged. Avalon frowns as she sees sweat streaking his face. What is he hiding? Boromir is the first to look away and Galadriel turns away from him. "Yet hope remains- while the Company is true. Do not let your hearts be troubled." Avalon looks at Legolas as he looks down at her. "Go now and rest, for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight, you will sleep in peace." She says and Avalon feels a great weight lift off her shoulders. A good night of rest is what she truly needs.

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