The Hobbits

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At the age of only seven years old Avalon Hills and her family were attacked by a group of orcs. Her parents were murdered bruttally, while Avalon was saved, but now have scars up her arms, made from the orc blades, and the whip marks on her back, from the tourcher that the orcs put her through. It was Aragorn that saved her from the death that would have surely came from the orcs. He took her in and raised her. At the time he was just starting out as a ranger, but he still taught her everything he ever knew.

Now it's been many years since the death of her parents and Avalon have grown into a petite small woman with soft wavy brown hair. Dark eyes behind soft features that showed years of hardship. She was a beautiful woman, who bore many scars from her past. A tough woman who only knows to fight and not to experience true love. Only ever having Aragorn in her life, she knew only of companionship, friendship. and acceptance. Never had she felt another's man's love or the loving touch of man.

What she wore was not of a princess, but that of a ranger, but more specific an archer. Brown leather pants that fit to her toned legs, brown leather boots that went to her knees, a thin dusty tan shirt under a dark brown leather vest that helped show off some cleavage. Over her clothes she had a cloak that was forest green made from thick warm fabric with a thick hood that covered half her face and tied in the front. She had bow leather braces on her wrists and her bow and quiver under her cloak on her back.

The two rangers were on yet another mission. They're had been talk about the wraith around this area, which is why Avalon now sat with her back to the windows, sitting beside Aragorn, in a rather busy and loud bar. Both rangers sat at a table watching the hobbits that sat talking and drinking. She could see two were nervous. As one should be with such power possible on them. The wraith wasn't just out and about for shits and giggles. Both Aragorn and Avalon believed the ring was with them. Avalon heard the dark haired hobbit ask the bartender who they were. "He's one o' them rangers. Dangerous folk they are, wanderin' the wild. What 'is right name is, I've never heard, but round 'ere, he's know as Strider. An' the girl beside him is his companion, she goes by Falcon. Her eyes are like a hawk, no? Always watching her surroundings and seeing from far distances. Both are pretty much a mystery here, but I do know both have seen their fair share of death." The man said before wandering off.

Avalon watched as Frodo ran over to his friend that kept mentioning his last name. "What do you think is the matter with him?" Avalon asked Aragorn.

"If it is true and he does have the ring he'll be running from the Nazguls right now. He wouldn't want anyone to know his last name." Aragorn said looking at Avalon. "Why do you think we go by names that are not ours?" He asked causing Avalon to fall silent.

They both turned and watched just in time to see Frodo grab the friend only to fall heavily to the ground. Aragorn watched as the ring flew upwards, out of the Frodo's hand. Avalon grabbed onto Aragorn's arm in shock, half of her suspecting them, but the other half hadn't thought it was true. She watched as Frodo tried to catch it, but instead it slipped onto his finger. "That fool." Aragron said as he stood with Avalon. "He's going to bring the Nazguls right to us." He says as he grabs Avalon's arm and dragged her into a spare room, which they knew Frodo would enter. The two moved into the shadows towards the doorway as Frodo pulled the ring off.

Aragorn grabbed Frodo by his shoulder and pulled him up. "You draw far too much attention to yourself," Aragorn hissed. "Mr. Underhill." Avalon followed quietly behind them as Aragorn pulled Frodo up the stairs and threw him into a room.

"What do you want?" The hobbit asked sounding frightened. Avalon shook her head and laid her hood back. Her brown wavy hair falling out of it's loose ribbon. Her hair cascading over her shoulders.

"There'll be no more caution from you; that is no trinket you carry," Aragorn said as he moved quickly across the room and dying the flame on the candles.

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