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Avalon freezes as she hears the screams of the Ringwraith. "Aragorn." Avalon calls as Aragorn runs up to her, fear and worry in his eyes.

"Move! Now Ava! Run!" He pushes her forward as the two ran for the camp. They see Frodo put the ring onto his finger, causing her to curse under her breath it his idiocy. Avalon runs as fast as possible forward as Frodo then takes the ring off and gets stabbed by one of the wraith in the shoulder. Avalon slashes at the Nazgul's arm and he falls to the ground. Aragorn runs forward and the two fight the nazguls.

"Frodo!" Sam screams as he ducks under Aragorn's swinging sword to be by Frodo's side.

"Sam?" Frodo gasps. Avalon looks over at them before going back to fighting. Aragorn and Avalon fight side by side in perfect sequence. The two slice and dice before Avalon grabs Aragorn's torch and aims it at the Nazgul. She burns him before throwing it into the hood of the last Ringwraith. They watch as it runs shrieking. "Strider! Falcon!" The two turn to see Sam by Frodo, the poor hobbit hurting on the ground, before the two run to the hobbits' sides.

Avalon looks at the wound in Frodo, her face turning pale before she looks down at the blade that was used to injure him. "Help him, Strider, Falcon. One of you please." Avalon covers her mouth, her hand shaking at what this must mean. "Morgul blade." She whispers with fear shaking her voice.

"This is beyond our skills to heal." He tells them, his own worry clear in his eyes.

"He needs elvish medicine, Strider." She looks to her friend, her allia, her eyes scared, something that she will let only Aragorn see.


Avalon runs through the forest beside Aragorn as he carries Frodo over his left shoulder with a torch in his right hand. Avalon has her sword out with her own torch. "Hurry!" Avalon yells back at the hobbits.

"We're six days from Riverdell!" Sam protests. "He'll never make it."

"He will! He needs to hang in there!" Avalon tells them, trying to convince them as much as she is trying to convince herself.

"Gadalf." Frodo whispers causing Avalon to look at Aragorn worried.

"Hold on, Frodo." Aragorn whispers softly as Frodo screams Gadalf's name.


The group take a moment to rest. "Mr. Frodo?" Sam questions as he puts a hand on the dark haired Hobbit. "He's goin' cold." Avalon bit her lip, a bad habit she has.

"Is he going to die?" Pippin asks.

Avalon watches as Aragorn went off into the woods. "He's passing into the shadow world." She tells them as she looks back at them. "He'll soon become a wraith like them." Avalon heard a scream causing her to spin fast on her heels and tighten her grip on her sword.

"They're close." Merry mutters.

"Sam." Aragorn calls to the halfling. "Do you know the athelas plant?"

"Athelas?" The young hobbit gardener asks.

"King's foil." Avalon clarifies.

"King's foil! Aye, it's a weed."

"It may help to slow the poison. Hurry!" Aragorn orders as he went to go back to the woods. "Keep an eye on them, Falcon." He orders once more before running off again. Avalon nods to Aragorn before grabbing a piece of cloth and walking to the river. She dumps it in, wetting it fully before making sure to ring it out enough so it won't drip, and she puts the now cold cloth on the halfling's forehead.

"You'll be okay, Frodo. Just hang in there." She whispers as she runs her fingers through his hair. "It'll be okay Frodo." She hears a noise and turns only to see Arwen. Avalon knew Arwen was Aragorn's secret love. She caught them from time to time, the two barely ever saw each other, so when the two did see each other they tended to get caught up in the moment.

Orc Killer, Human Surviverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें