Chapter 11 - The Queen of Scheme Enthroned

Comenzar desde el principio

"I don't think you ever asked her name!" Daphne whispered to Alexia who rolled her eyes slightly.

"It's Evangeline Eskers, but I prefer Eva."

"I don't care what you prefer to be called, I'll call you what I want. But you're lucky I don't mind that name, so I'll call you it." said Alexia.

"I thought you might need another girl so you can get rid of Crabbe and Goyle, so I brought her along." Daphne told Alexia.

"What?!" Eva gasped, "Oh my gosh! That's why I'm here? You want me part of Alexia Burke's group?" She asked Daphne her mouth open in astonishment.

Daphne looked over to Alexia waiting for Alexia's approval.

"Yes," Alexia said eventually, "yes, she does want you to be part of my group. I want you to be part of my group."

Eva gave an excited squeal, "You're known to have the best of everything! Shoes, clothes, bags and even boys! Ah!"

"Not sure about the last one..." Alexia muttered quietly.

"Wow! This is so amazing! I can't wait-"

"Quiet!" Alexia said putting up her hand, "You're not quite in yet."

"What do you mean?" Eva asked, frowning.

"First, you need to complete a few...tasks...for me, just so I know what you're capable of!"

"Oh, right, of course! What do I do?"

"Well, firstly, remember that incident a week ago where Blaise Zabini was caught wrecking the castle?" Alexia questioned.

Eva nodded.

"Well, I need you to find out what punishment he got for doing it." Alexia told her. "Report back to me tonight and then I'll give you my next task."

"Okay, I'll go and find out!" Eva said efficiently, then dashed off towards the large doors to the Great Hall.

Alexia stood with a smug smile on her face.

"I never had to do that," Daphne said in an undertone.

"I know," Alexia shrugged, "I just haven't had much fun in a while and this will satisfy me until something else comes up."

Daphne laughed, "What do you think of her?"

"She has the potential to be pretty and she's easier to manipulate than I thought. You've done well Daph, let's go get lunch."


Alexia and Daphne walked to the Common Room that afternoon after lessons, heavy books bumping around in their bags and their black shoes tapping against the hard ground of the Entrance Dungeon.

"Alexia! Alexia!" someone shouted loudly from behind the two.

Alexia jumped with fright and turned to spot Eva running down the stairs, her braid now barely a braid anymore and her bag almost flying off her arm. "What is it, Eva?" Alexia asked with an impatient tone.

"I found out what you needed!"


"It's not that hard to find things out in this school," Eva shrugged.

"Don't act like you know more than me," Alexia scolded.

"Sorry," Eva mumbled.

"Well, firstly, please don't yell my name that loud and frighten me ever again, and secondly, follow me before you say anything." Alexia said, then lead the two girls to Elizabeth Burke's passageway.

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