The speech was known as one of the best that had been given, even by the teachers and staff whom I expected to get in trouble for it by.

Rob gave a short speech that was mostly about me and the baby. He constantly kept us all laughing. It was pretty amazing how popular he had gotten at the school, when he hadn't been there as long as us.

Life did go on, and me and Rob moved in with my cousin Sarah, with plans to eventually get our own apartment.

The baby came, and we named her Rebel Anne Miller. The name was mostly Rob's idea, because I still hadn't really thought of anything. Rebel had a full head of gorgeous dark hair, and piercing big green eyes. She was the sweetest baby, and I loved her so much. I cried the moment they placed her in my arms, and Rob did to.

We got our own apartment by the time Rebel turned one, and she loved it more than she loved staying with Sarah. I had to admit, I did to. Sarah was the best, but we needed a place of our own.

Rob made coffee for me every morning, as well as bacon and eggs, because that's really the only thing I ever ate for breakfast. He'd also make Rebel food, and fix her the biggest glass of orange juice, because Rebel loved oranges and orange juice.

Life was perfect, especially when Rob proposed, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.


There was a knock on our door, and Rob was at work, so it was just me and Rebel at home that day. I was sure we weren't expecting any company, so I looked to see who it was.

Abigail Grace stood out there, waiting for me to open the door.

I did. "Can I help you?" I asked, not bothering to hide how irritated I was.

"Yeah, I'm just up here visiting my grandmother. I ran into Rob at the gas station, and we had a chat. He said I could find you here if I wanted to talk."

I wanted to explode and ask her why she was talking to Rob at all, but I didn't. "So what's there to talk about Abby?"

"Can I come in?"

I stepped aside to let her, and her eyes automatically locked with Rebel, who was drawing a picture on the floor by the couch. Abigail didn't look like Abigail. She didn't wear her usually slutty clothing, and instead wore a pair of jeans, and a grey flannel. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun.

"Please don't start anything in front of my child. If you want to-"

"That won't be necessary." Abigail said.

"What won't?" I asked.

"The whole spill you're about to give me. I'm not here to cause any trouble." she said.

"That's funny. As I recall, you were always trouble."

"People change."


"I'm trying to better myself, and I thought I'd like to start with apologizing to you." Abigail said.

I snorted. "Are you sure you started with that, or do you mean you started with changing from those skimpy outfits, to something better?"

"Don't make this difficult."

"You've made most of my life difficult. Using me, you and Maddie both, when you had no one else."

"We actually liked you." Abigail said exasperatedly.

"Then why did the two of you treat me like shit for so long. I had no friends, and you two knew that, so you took advantage." I said.

"Heather I get it, okay? I was a complete bitch, but the truth is, I've always been jealous of you."

What? Abigail Grace was actually claiming to be jealous of me. I almost laughed.

I did laugh.

"I'm serious," she continued. "You've always been this bold person who isn't afraid to speak your mind, or be yourself. I've never been able to do that. The "skimpy" clothes were the only thing that attracted a guy to me. Now that I've started dressing normally, no one pays attention."

"You should've always been yourself." I said.

"I know that, and I apologize. Can you forgive me?" she extended a hand.

I glanced at it, then looked at her. She actually looked like she meant everything that she was saying, and I hoped maybe she did.

I shook it.


And that was one of the biggest steps I took in being a responsible, mature adult.

A/N: The journey into Heather Whimes' life has ended, but don't be sad guys!

I hope you all learned something from this book, and if you did, I would really like to know what that is. So please comment and leave your opinions on this book! :)

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