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Rob got so popular within the week he came to Cleveland, that I was starting to wonder if it would go to his head and make him become even more of a jerk. Girls were already swarming around his house, asking if he wanted to hang out with them, and guys were offering to show him some nice spots to hang out in the neighborhood.

For some reason, he accepted none of their requests. I had watched him turn down so many people, it wasn't even funny anymore. So I decided to figure out just why the hell he would do such a thing. I mean, moving to a new area, the first thing you should want to do would be make some friends.

He was outside smoking a cigarette on his porch when I walked up to him. He looked extremely handsome in his black tank top, showing off his muscular upper half once again. I found myself staring at his arms.

"Well, are you going to stare at me, or actually start saying something?" he asked me, in an annoyed tone.

I blushed. "I just have a question."

"Jeez, again with those?"

"Yeah, sorry," I said, not feeling sorry at all. "I just want to know why you haven't hung out with anyone since you've gotten here."

"There's more important things to do than hang out with people all the time. I'm trying to find a job, and get ready for the fact that I'll be starting a new school soon." he said. I was surprised with the answer. I didn't take him for the type to actually take things like that seriously.

"But it's summer," I pressed. "You've got time to relax and make some new friends. That way you'll know people when school is back in session."

"Friends, ha."


"Nothing." he said. "Are you done interrogating me?"

"I guess so." I said, starting to walk away.

"You should really be a detective or something." Rob said, making me stop in my tracks. "You sure do a lot of snooping around about things that aren't your business."

"I was only trying to be friendly." I said. I was starting to become very annoyed with his attitude towards me. Maybe the guy didn't deserve to have anybody as a friend.

"That's cool to know." was his only response, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Jerk." I sneered, spinning around to walk back to my house.

"Try again, I've been called that many times sweetheart." he yelled after me, amusement in his voice.

I now thought that Rob Miller was the most annoying human on planet earth. No one in Cleveland should have hung out with him, because he was nothing but an egotistical jerk, and it seemed as though people in Dayton thought that as well, because he said he had been called that before.

I was so frustrated that I couldn't stand being in the house, so I decided I'd go walk to the park. It was hot, and I hated walking because it only made it hotter, but I had nothing better to do.

Calvin Williams was sitting on one of the swings when I arrived, and I was thankful for some company. Although we never spoke much, Calvin had always been friendly to me at school, and I considered him a tolerable person to have a conversation with.

"Hey Calv." I said, walking towards him.

He looked up, beaming when he saw me. Calvin had always been pretty cute. He was considered a huge nerd though with his thick glasses and curly brown hair that was always a mess. Surprisingly, he was one of the guys Abigail Grace hadn't slept with, and that made me like him even more.

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