e p i l o g u e

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Rob continued to sneak over to see me, and he was never caught. His parents assumed we had both stopped associating with one another, but we continued. By senior year, after a few weeks, I became sick and had to go to the doctor. That was when I discovered that I was pregnant with Rob's baby. Our families did not necessarily approve of any of it, but overtime, they became happy with it, and let me and Rob began to see each other again.

I hadn't really thought up any baby names, but neither had Rob. Occasionally I thought it was all just some joke, and there was no way I was actually pregnant. Then, I'd look at the baby bump, and it made me realize that I actually was. Half of myself, and half of my love was growing inside me, and I was amazed.

On an even better note, George was released that year, and Rob's father and him were now on good terms. They were friends, but they were still hesitant to actually hang out very much. Mr. Miller invited George to come down, and occasionally he would go up to see George in Kentucky. I was glad that they had finally put the past behind themselves.

School went on of course, and things were rough for me. I missed so many days because I was under a lot of stress, but I still managed to pass. I discovered that when your pregnant, everyone wants to be your friend, but I didn't let them. Maddie and Abigail had tried being nicer because they knew I was carrying Rob's baby, but I never bought into their games, so they went back to being the two stuck up bitches they were. They had done nothing but belittle be since we got caught for running away.

Me and Calvin managed to make amends, and I even found that him and Rob made great friends as well. It was a little weird to think that the boy that never really lost feelings for me, and the boy whose baby I was carrying, and with now, could tolerate each other in the same room, but I never complained. Rob said that Calvin was allowed to be around us, he just couldn't try anything.

The day of graduation approached much quicker than I expected it to. We had to prepare speeches, and speeches in front of large crowds of people, had always been my biggest fear. Especially when I had to do it while I was carrying my child.

But I did.

"So the time has come for me to move forward with my journey in life to become a responsible adult," I began. "Let me explain why I put emphasis on the word responsible. Some people don't understand how to be that word. When they do something wrong, they want to point fingers at everyone but themselves. They never want to own up to anything that they've done." I looked out at everyone. Parents were nodding their heads, and nudging one another. "I know that not long ago I made decisions that most of you know were extremely immature, but I've learned from them. I am no longer the same person I was then. But what I do know, is that I will always own up to the mistake that is making those decisions. I have a child on the way-"

"Yeah baby! Woo!" screamed Rob from the audience.

I blushed, and the whole place filled with laughter. When it subsided, I continued:

"Yes, I have a child on the way. Meaning I will have to take on twice as many responsibilities as most of you might. I just want you all to know today, that when you leave this place, and you're out there in the real world, be responsible, and don't make poor choices. I'd like to thank everyone whose been by my side every step of the way, which isn't very many, but still. My amazing boyfriend Rob Miller, my best friend Calvin Williams, and even my two enemies, Maddie Fuller, and Abigail Grace."

There was more laugher, and I studied Maddie and Abigail's irritated expressions with amusement.

"When you two leave, I hope you make more choices in life besides being two evil conniving human beings. It's time to grow up, before it's too late."

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