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Call me crazy, but I was thinking about ignoring Rob Miller's offer of going out. When I returned home that night, my phone had constantly gone off with texts from Calvin asking if I was okay. I had cried myself to sleep, and waking up the next morning was hell, because I had a migraine.

Luckily, I figured Abigail was done with the teasing, because she hadn't left any bitchy texts on my phone, and Maddie must have decided to not even try to text me, which was smart, because she was kind of the one who started everything. The two of them knew me well enough not to piss me off too much. I was the fighting type, but the previous night had left me too drained to even think about doing anything of the sort just yet.

It wasn't until midday that I actually got out of bed and got ready for the day. I felt exhausted, and I looked the part too. There was no way I could go on a date looking like death. So I decided to text Rob and cancel plans with him.

It should have been simple and easy, right?


When Rob was informed I was canceling plans, he immediately began to question me, but I didn't answer any of his questions. I simply told him that a situation had happened that made me not want to go out anymore for a long time. He ended up knocking on our door once again, and for the second time, he asked for me.

"What do you want Rob?" I asked when we were left alone outside.

"First off, could I at least get a hi? Jeez, you look like you had a rougher night than I thought." he said.

"Did you just come to insult my appearance, because believe me, I've had enough of that."

Rob frowned. "No, actually, I came to make sure you're alright."

I snorted. "Aw, how cute. Are you done yet?"

"No, come over. Let's talk about this."

"This isn't something I want to discuss." I sighed, kicking a rock with the toe of my converse.

"Well at least come over so I can have someone to talk to." Rob pleaded.

I shrugged and followed him to his house. Once again, we sat on the porch swing next to each other. "You know, you really have a way with talking people into things. I bet you get in trouble a lot about that."

Rob laughed. "In the past, yes."

I smiled for the first time that day.

"I know you don't want to talk about it Heather, but please, when you're ready to open up to someone about it, come to me."

I rolled my eyes. "Rob, it's really not that big of a deal." I lied.

"It's not a big deal? Then why did you cancel our plans, and why are your eyes swollen from crying?" he asked.

I looked away from him. I didn't want to be reminded of how horrible I looked. I didn't look my parents in the eyes at all at any point and time that day, so it went unnoticed by them. But then again, everything went unnoticed by them.

I decided to just come straight out with it. "Alright, you really want to know what happened to me last night?" I asked Rob.


"Abby ruined everything."

"Abby? You mean the slut who came over here with you that day?" he asked.

I laughed and nodded. "Yes."

"Okay, what did she do?"

"I went on a date last night." I said, studying his face for a reaction. I expected him to look maybe a little angry that I was seeing a guy the night before we were supposed to go out somewhere, but he just had the same bored look on his face as he always did. Something was different about it this time though.

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