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The rest of our week at George's house was terribly boring. We could do nothing but stay in the house because we had officially been put out there as the two missing teens. There were many close calls where George had to scare away people who swore they saw us here at his house. The police had been driving through a lot to ask questions, but they had never actually searched for us in the house.

Eventually, when the time for us to go arrived, Rob and I pleaded to stay longer. Of course, the worse possible thing that could happen was that George would say no after all.

"Now I told you kids I'd only let you stay a week. I didn't promise anything more." George said. Then he looked at our disappointed faces, and smiled a bit. "Ah, but because Rob is one of the only family members I can still stand, I'll let you stay."

Relief washed over me. We wouldn't have to worry about having a place to hide, but of course, things don't always work out in people's favor. The cops ended up coming by to actually search the house. Apparently, someone actually had the balls to tell that George was harboring us, and because of his background, he ended up in more trouble.

So the three of us sat smushed together in the back of a cop car. I was pissed. This had all been for nothing, and I thought we were actually going to get further away than this. We didn't have phones, nor did we have any of our belongings that we managed to bring with us.

The interrogations and the lecture that we received from the police were enough to make me want to blow my brains out. It was a series of the same questions and things, over and over again:

"Do you realize the damage you have caused to your mother and father's vehicle? Imagine how much money they'll have to pay to get another one."

"Do you realize you could have seriously been injured during the accident?"

"You have been staying with an ex convict for a whole week. Do you realize who this man is?"

"He might be your family Mr. Miller, but that's no excuse."

"Imagine how both your families must feel?"

"How far did you think you'd actually get?"

The last question stung a bit, because I actually expected to get pretty far. When things actually were working out, I was surprised and shocked at how easy it was to get out of the state and into another just like that. Rob was mostly angry and hostile towards the police, and I had to calm him down before he got himself into more trouble.

Our parents were apparently on their way to get us, and I knew mine would not be happy at all. After a while, the cops actually stopped talking to us, but they still monitored us as we waited for our families.

"What do you think your dad's going to say about George?" I whispered to Rob after a while. The cops were too busy talking to each other to notice.

"He's going to be fucking pissed, and it's going to open up a whole new argument. God, this is why I was hoping it wouldn't end up like this. My father is just going to use this as an attack on him."

"Look, chill. We need to worry about us more than George anyways."

"The poor man can't afford to go back to jail because of us." Rob sighed. "Where did they take him anyways?"

"Somewhere for questioning I guess." I shrugged. "We have to tell them about our stuff."

"There's no way they're going to let us go back to George's house for that." Rob snorted.

"You realize they can get it for us, right?"

Rob rolled his eyes and sighed. "Alright, whatever babe. Just get it over with."

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