XXVIII. The Trusted Friend

Start from the beginning

The man frowned. "Where are you-?"

"I'll call you," Itachi cut him off and left abruptly.

An eerie feeling settled over Sasuke as he watched his brother's receding back with foreboding. Why'd he get the feeling, this had something to do with a certain pinkette?


Around the table with littered pages and the occassional photograph, a band of men and a woman stood - disbelief in their brows and pint-sized relief on their faces.

After weeks of scouring through shit, dealing with the rather dark underbelly of politics, gangsters and the like, they finally found the secret that was so scrupulously being attempted to protect.

Successfully finding the needle in the haystack of covers up in history, the incident revolving around Sakura Haruno was finally revealed to their eyes, except, it wasn't revolving around her at all. She was just an unfortunate visitor. The real culprit sat somewhere else entirely.

Confusion blurred some expressions while utter shock marred some. Though the Uchiha and Sabaku showed little of it, it was no mystery they were as surprised as anyone.

"Well, I'll be damned," muttered Nagato.

Sasuke pulled out his phone and dialled his brother urgently. Before he could utter anything though, Itachi's unusually tense voice broke through the line.

"Sasuke, I am texting you the address. I need you to come."

Sasuke's small found relief disappeared instantly.


As the two friends and Gaara made their way through the narrow halls of the hospital, various conclusions crossed Sasuke's mind. But, the one conclusion that didn't was what shocked him when they arrived.

Shock was an understatement to what he experienced on seeing her. It was too many things. Questions were written all over his face but, to his great surprise, it was relief that first took his heart. Sasuke hadn't seen her in so long, he was worried he might have forgotten her face. But, he hadn't. She was as beautiful as he remembered her.

"Mother," he gasped.

And within the next millisecond, he was wrapped into a breath seizing hug he had admittedly missed.

"Oh dear, Sasuke! I am sorry! I am so sorry.." Mikoto Uchiha went on repeatedly.

"Mum, what are you doing here?" asked Sasuke, stepping back.

"Its father," answered Itachi from behind her.

Sasuke didn't know how he felt about seeing his father again after all these years. They had parted on a bad note. Even when his parents had come to see him and Sarada, Sasuke had not been hospitable. Now, seeing the man through the glass, all their prior misgivings were pushed to the front of his mind.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled open the door to the white room.

A weak smile that seemed to be rather fond greeted the younger son after years of estrangement. It was not what he was expecting from his stoic father but, he couldn't find himself smiling back. This had to be the worst Sasuke had ever seen the man.

Dominating by nature, he'd never fathomed the day Fugaku Uchiha would appear bone-weary and just about ready to give up. Sasuke was sure it had only been three years since he last saw his old man yet, that was just what he was resembling - an old man.

Before he could stop himself, the question just released itself from his mouth. "What happened to you?"

The twitch in his lips was enough evidence of his father's version of amusement. "Got shot."

Sasuke's eyes momentarily widened. "That.. was not what I meant. But, how?"

"Sasuke, come. Sit." Fugaku shifted eyeballs to the vacant chair.

But, being the son of the stubborn mule himself, the Uchiha stayed where he was. "How'd you get shot?"

"Ah, long story. Perhaps, your friend can help you with that."

Sasuke's demeanor faltered. "What friend?"

"The one from Suna, son."

While it was odd to hear such affectionate name-calling from a man whom Sasuke hadn't acknowledged in a long time, he wouldn't deny the small portion of warmth it sprayed him over with.

Although, now his attention was completely reversed. His mind did not want to make the obvious connection.
Glancing at the multiple bandages over his father's body, he mentally counted the bullet wounds. Two on the arm, one in the leg and one just missing the heart. Denial of his mind's conclusion wouldn't hold up for very long as he caught sight of red on the other side of the glass. He abruptly spun on his heel and barged out of the sterlized room.

"Gaara," he spat.

"I didn't know he was your father, Sasuke," replied the man, the usual bite in his tone absent.

Sasuke winced then, closed his eyes. He needed to reign in his anger before facing reality. When he opened them, light blue eyes were regarding him with sympathy he'd never seen in them before. His own father was the trusted friend of Sakura's father.
It made him feel something between sick and proud.

"A bullet grazed his heart but, doctors say it was the one in his stomach that got him," said Gaara, for what reason he himself couldn't understand.

On hearing that, dropping his reservations, the young man went back inside and took the chair beside Fugaku.
"You knew," he only said and watched Fugaku's tiny smile drop into a thin line, confirming his theory. "Since when?"

"My job was to keep an eye on the girl. When she.." he paused to catch his breath. "..ordered the maternal test, I had to see what it was."

Even his voice had lost its vigour Sasuke remembered from their earlier days.

"I knew you were smart enough to figure it out sometime," he added.

"Why didn't you.." Sasuke's fingers curled into a tight fist.

"Tell you about her?"
Fugaku sighed. A small, wistful smile returned to his lips. "Because, there was nothing you could've done. But, you would have tried anyway - to save her. And then, I wouldn't have been able to save you."

A defeated exhale escaped the raven man. He rested his weary head beside his father.

"Sasuke, I-"

"Don't." He stopped the words he knew Fugaku wanted to say. "It was both of us, dad."

A short hum of agreement was heard from him. Then, nothing.

A minute later, Sasuke lifted his head off the bed to find a pair of dark eyes similar to his own, no longer regarding him.


There was no reply. Fugaku Uchiha had stilled, probably a minute ago.


Aaaand hellooo people!

The next chapter of Damaged Pieces is here!


Guys, I may not be able to update anytime soon due to my exams. The book will be on hold for a month. In May, you'll receive the next chapter. I am so sorry about this. But, I promise more SasuSaku in the upcoming parts. The climax of the story is near. So, DON'T GO REMOVING THE STORY FROM YOUR LIBRARY JUST YET! Also, Reign Of Gods will also pick up about the same time. I have confusions as to how I want to take it further. But, its going to come too.

I will be back. I never drop stories midway guys. Please bear with me :)

Thank you.

Oh, and don't forget to spread the story, let me know how you like it (or if you don't) and keep reviewing honestly!

i.e. Vote. Comment. Share.

See you guys soon :D

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