IX. Blast From the Past

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Staring at the ceiling in the dark
Same old empty feeling in your heart
'Cause love comes slow, and it goes so fast..

- The Passenger, Let Her Go

She was gone as quickly as she came. And Sasuke was left baffled. All had seemed to be going well, then why'd she suddenly quit?

One voicemail. That is all it took for Sasuke to sit on the couch for over an hour, his phone still in hand, wondering what went wrong. What did it even mean that she couldn't work here anymore? After making that promise... heck, even if it wasn't a promise, she had assured him she wasn't going to just leave them.

Is it because of what happened the other day? Was she embarassed to be around him because he'd almost kissed her? Or because he didn't?
And what about Sarada?

He was.. he was so upset. He was angry. Sasuke played the voice messages again.

Sasuke, I know I told you I wouldn't be going anywhere soon. But, something has come up. I have to leave immediately. So.. I can't work there anymore. I am very sorry. Thank you for letting me spend time with Sarada. I.. I tr-


I'm sorry, Sasuke. Please tell Sarada that I would have loved nothing more than to spend more time with her. If I had been so fortunate, that is. Maybe... maybe even with you. Well anyway, take care. Of yourself too.


"Damn it!" Sasuke let out through clenched teeth, not able to understand his own reaction properly.

After a long time indeed, Sasuke Uchiha had begun to feel lighter, the constant stress of being a single parent divided in two. But it was more than that. It was her. Being around her felt good. She was nothing like the girls that constantly threw themselves at him, yet couldn't fathom even a touch of his emotions. Sakura had a warmth to her. Its like you couldn't help but feel good and welcome in her presence. She was like a lift to his mood. Granted, sometimes she was the reason his emotions jumbled up, yet, he discovered that he silently enjoyed her presence.

And she left them with a voicemail. A stupid ass voicemail to say she would have liked to spend time with them...with him. Sasuke got the feeling you get when something just slips between your fingers. Why so, he didn't want to pinpoint.

He almost regretted not kissing her in the kitchen that day. Almost. But, he caught himself in time. This wasn't about him. She'd left Sarada. His little girl who'd probably feel abandoned that her favourite caretaker - who meant much more than that to her -  had left her without so much as a goodbye.

And for some absurd reason, he was lonely now. Good thing Sarada wasn't home though. Because then, he'd have to explain to her why Sakura hadn't shown up to spend time with her in the past 3 days. He wasn't prepared for that just yet.


Sakura hated staying at her brother's place. She hated that fiancee of his. And she hated being questioned so much about her life - which only lasted a year - with Sarada. The best year of her life, ending on the worst note, with herself on the run.

She didn't have any time to think. From the moment her mother had spoken, she only remembers feeling a sharp stab, then sulking, crying and the next day, packing, so she could get away. Because soon as her head had cleared, somehow, Sakura knew Sasuke would eventually come looking for her. It wasn't safe to stay at her college anymore.

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