'Anytime kiddo.' He headed back to his own room and I headed into mine.

Kasper was sound asleep, thankfully, so I gently tucked him into his cot and crawled back in next

To Nova.

'Everything alright?' He mumbled sleepily.

'Yeah.' I switched the lamp off and snuggled back into my mates side. I pecked him gently on the

Cheek and sighed happily.

The morning light woke me up. I grumbled as I shifted under the nice warm covers. 'Nova,' I said.

No reply. Puzzled I sat up and looked round a empty bedroom. A little panicked I leapt out of bed

And ran to Kasper's cot. He wasn't in there. Bursting through the room, I ran downstairs and

Straight into the kitchen.

'Zak? What's wrong?' Amanda looked over at me confused.

I looked at the table and sure enough Nova was sat with Kasper in his lap. John and Nathan were

Also there, each of them looking puzzled.

My knees gave out and I crumpled to the floor, sobs shaking my body. I don't know why, I just had

A very uneasy feeling.

'Zak, bud, what's wrong?' Nathan gathered me in his arms and sat me on his lap at the table,

Earning a growl from Nova. 'Oh hush, you've got Kasper on your lap, you can't have both.' He

Growled back. 'Now, tell uncle Nathan what's wrong,' he cooed and we all chuckled.

'I-I don't k-know.' I sniffed, 'when I woke up to an empty room I had a really uneasy feeling and

Just panicked a bit. Sorry.' I blew my nose with the tissue Nathan handed me and snuggled into his

Warm chest.

'Aww, sweetie, don't worry, it's understandable why you'd be extra concerned when you consider

What you've had to go through.' Amanda smiled over at me and patted my shoulder. John nodded

In agreement.

I sighed. I hopped off Nathan's lap, sneakily pecking his cheek in thanks. He mock gasped, making

Me chuckled.

I turned to Nova, 'gimme my baba.' I held my arms out and wiggled my fingers.

He laughed and handed a cheerful looking Kasper to me. 'Ive got some work to do so I'll see you

Both later. Call me if you need anything.' He kissed my lips and pecked his sons head before


'Come on munchkin, let's get you dressed.' I tapped my nose lightly to my baby's making him

Giggle and pat my cheek with his tiny hands.

He's four months old now and has developed a lot quicker than I thought he would. Micky had

Told me it was because he was a werewolf. They develop faster than human baby's but still age at

The same rate as human ones.

'Oh yeah, I'm almost out of milk, nappies and other stuff. Mind if I go out and grab some?' I asked

John nervously.

He had been extra strict when it came to letting me leave the house, even if it was to go into the

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