Chapter 12: Walmart

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"How is she?" I asked.

"Really weak. Her body is just really  tired... Her heart is working twice as hard and it's just really strenuous on her... All I can say is to just take it easy."

"Okay. I'll push her in the cart."

Before she talked she paused and processed what I said then grinned almost laughing but seemed genuine when she said.

"Okay, sounds good." I turned to see her walking down the hall way.

"She also has a cane." Elouise whispered.

"Okay." I nodded. She wore a black hoody, and sweats along with big fuzzy green frog slippers.

"Ready?" She asked positively.

"When you are, my lady." I said. She grinned and we walked to the door. She was kind of hunched over and you could tell she was hurting. Her cane came up to her hip and she used it as a third foot. It was black and seemed very stable with a four bar base.

"Let's go!" She said like going out to battle.

We got in my car and we began to drive.

"How are you?" I asked. She looked so pale and her eyes were sunken into her face. Her eyes seemed bloodshot and really tired.

"I'm fine.... just, tired...." she took in a breath that seemed needed, and almost painful."How are you?" She asked.

"I'm doing okay... I've missed you so much." I said.

"Awe well I missed you as well." She said. I put my hand on hers and I felt the weak hand wrap around mine. 

"How long do you think you have?" I asked.

"I have no idea." She said. We were stopped at a red light.

"I'm gonna stay by your side for the rest of the time."

"You have school."

"I'll ask Ashton to fill me in every few days. He can bring  by stuff for me." The red light changed and we got in the turning lane. We turned and I could feel her squeeze my hand as she said.

"I don't want you to throw your future away for me." We got to the parking lot and I said.

"I'm not throwing my life away. It's just a month or so off school."

"A full month. Charlie, trust me you don't want to do that." I found a parking spot and when I unbuckled my belt I said.

"Honestly don't care." I turned to her, and I told her what I told dad.
"The future is inevitable, but the now is what's happening. And I want to focus on that. I want to focus on the feelings we both are feeling right now." I said and I pulled her hand to my lips and kissed her soft hand.

"Wait here." I said.
I got out of the car and grabbed a cart, and pulled it close so she wouldn't have to walk far.

"Your chariot awaits." I said. She giggled and was like.

"I had no idea where you had gone! I though you left me."

"I would never do that." I helped her out of the car and then picked up her small frail body, and put her in the cart. I pushed her through the doors and we began to follow the list:

5 lbs of flower
3 packages of go-gurts
Razors for dad
Shampoo and conditioner

When we were finishing up in the shampoo section near the decorations Hobs said.

"Let's see the trees, I love seeing the lights on display." It hurt my chest as she spoke you could just hear the weakness in her voice.

"Okay." I said gently. I pushed her to the isle where all the trees were standing at least 10 ft high from being on a podium of 7 inches made them all look huge.

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