Chapter 5

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The next day at school I sat away from Ashton and Matt at lunch. I didn't want to confront  him, and plus his bruise on his jaw made me feel a little better about myself.
     When Hobs came to the cross roads set infront  of her she looked at me and I looked away. I hid myself behind shades but she still came over and sat down next to me even though I was still sulking to my wounded dignity.

"What happened last night?" She asked. Her eyes filled with empathy.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said looking at Matt who glanced at me ripping his roll apart.

"Did you two get in a fight?"

"You could say that." I said and took a bite of my burger.

"Really Charlie, tell me what happened." She took my right hand with a firm grip and I winced.

"Ahh." I said and she looked at the bandage.

"Charlie." She said now she was mad.

"Okay, okay.... yeah... we got in a fight."

"What caused it?"

"He was just being a jerk."


"Look when you were hurting I didn't ask anything could you just leave it?" I said almost raising my voice at her. She sat back in her chair and she stood up quietly.

"All I did was care.... and now I see what Matt meant this morning." She took her tray and walked briskly to the other table and faced away from me, my stomach sank and hearty twisted in my chest. The rest of the day she sat on the other side of the classes where we had flexible seating. At the end of the day I was passing our lockers and she was getting a few books out. I went up to her and said.

"Look... I'm sorry. I shouldn't've yelled at you during lunch." I leaned against the neighboring locker and she gave me a scowl.

"Matt said you wanted to do twisted things to me, bind me to a bed, knock me up-"

"No that's what-"

"That you'd try to get me a lone and do what it takes to get what you want." She said stabbing her finger into my chest as if accusing me of something. "That, that night we were alone you might've tried something while I slept."

"Hobs you know I'd never to anything to hurt you, I don't even think those vial things about you." I said grabbing her cape. The red material was soft and felt like a blanket. She pulled away from me and turned around.

"We're strangers... and that's that." She said starting to walk away and when she turned the corner I punched my bad hand into the locker. I screamed and felt the crippling pain run up my arm, as if it cramped up. I then fast walked down the fall, out the door to my car.
       I got home and found an old brace I had in the seventh grade. I adjusted it to fit my arm and it felt heavenly to have something grace my arm in place. I didn't think it was broken, probably more sprained.

I sat in my room on my computer the rest of the day, I didn't want to tell my parents of the whole situation they'd take it too seriously and make things to dramatic.

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