Chapter 9||Mac and Cheese

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(Sam's P.O.V.)

"Ok babe, I have to go" I slurred. I was currently making out with this random dude I found at the party. What? Don't judge. Anyways, I quickly left the room  to look for Zoey. I really wanted to go home. I went downstairs to look for her but I couldn't find her, Miles, or Jack. I texted her a lot of times but she wouldn't answer.

I walked up to a group of people playing beer pong. "Excuse me? Have you seen Zoey?" I went around asking the exact same question to everyone I could find. Everyone saying the same thing. "No." She must've left I guess. I was tired and I really wanted to go to sleep. I pulled out my phone and texted her again. I saw my previous  messages were left on read.

To Zoey:

Zoey, Wherreree are you?

srsllly where are you?????>?

I've beeen looking everywhereee for you and I can't find youuu.

I'm really wooorried.

Text me back as soon as possible pleaseee.

Zoey, this isnttt funny. Where are youuuuu?

Read 11:47 pm

She left all my messages on read... Why would she do that? I decided to text her back letting her know I was leaving the party.

To Zoey:

Hey, I'm realllly tiref and drunk asf so I'mmm goooeing home noww

Imma call an ubber okkk

okkkkk byeeee.

Read 11:56 pm

She read it again. I waited for her to reply but she didn't. I gave up and called an uber. I prayed that Zoey was ok but deep down, I knew she wasn't.

(Miles' P.O.V.)

Jack and I had successfully kidnapped Zoey. She was tied down to her seat with the seatbelt. Jack was driving while I made sure she wasn't moving. Occassionally her phone would light up, meaning she had recieved a text from someone. I took her phone and unlocked it. "Sam's been texting her. What do I do?" I asked Jack from the back seat. "What did she say?" Jack asked. "She sent like ten texts asking where she is." I whispered worried that Sam would do something stupid. "Shit." Jack whispered turning the wheel as we headed closer to his house. We've been driving for a really long time now. "Don't reply. See if she texts again." I waited for about ten more minutes and then I saw the texting bubble pop up. "She said she's leaving and she's calling an uber." I whispered to Jack. He  sighed in relief, his eyes still fixated on the road as he turned into his driveway. My job here is done.

(Zoey's P.O.V.)

I woke up in a dark room. There was a weird smell and it was really cold. I tried standing up but i was tied down to a chair. What the hell. I looked around and saw nothing but a lightbulb hanging from the low, dark ceiling. I tried untying myself from the chair but failed. My head was pounding, it hurt so bad. What happened? I brought my hand up to it and felt a warm and wet gauze wrapped around my head. I brought my hand back down and squinted trying to look at my hand but it was impossible because it was so dark. I tried scooting the chair closer to the lightbulb in an attempt to see clearer. I looked at my hand as my eyes widened. There was blood smeared all over it. What happened?

I tried to remember what had last happened. I remember I was at a party. I looked down and I was still wearing the same clothes from the party. I also remembered I went to the bathroom and i was really dizzy and then... everything went black.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door opening and shutting. I looked in the direction of where the sound originated. I saw a tall figure. It was dark so i couldn't quite see who it was. I suddenly heard a dark chuckle. "Zoey..." the voice said. He walked closer to me. I finally recognized him to be Jack. "Jack... You need to help me. I don't know where I am and I need to get out." I whispered, fright clearly being heard in my voice. He laughed again. I thought, why is he laughing? That's when it hit me. "You!" I whispered. "You did this to me?!" I yelled. "Finally, I was wondering how long it would take for you to realize." He smirked as he pulled a chair in front of me. He sat and stared into my eyes. "How's your head babe?" He asked. "Excuse me? You can't call me that." I yelled. "Oh babe, but I can." He stared, his expression not changing. "Where's Miles?" I asked, avoiding his previous question. "I can't tell you... yet." He said as he stood up and took his chair away. He walked up the stairs making his way to the door he had come out of first. "Are you hungry?" He asked. "No." I whispered. "You have to eat. Would you like to eat here or upstairs?" I stared at him as I whispered, "Upstairs." I needed to see where I was taken to at least. Plus, it was freezing down here.

He came back down the stairs and walked to where i was sitting. "Promise me that if i untie you, you won't run away?" He whispered into my ear as he brushed my hair to the side. "I promise." I whispered. I've seen enough movies of people getting kidnapped to know that if you don't obey, they will punish you. "Very well then." he said as he placed a gentle kiss on my shoulder making me feel uncomfortable. "But before I untie you, you must know there are some rules you must follow." He whispered from behind my ear, sending chills down my spine. I stayed silent, signalling for him to continue. "1. Don't try running away because trust me, that won't end well. 2. You must always obey my instructions, if you don't then there will be consequences. Ok? Ok. And lastly, 3. You can never talk back to me, especially in front of my friends because, like I said before, there will be consequences." He whispered calmly. I gulped and nodded, fear running through my mind.

He stood up and walked behind me, slowly untied my hands and guided me up the stairs, keeping a hand on my lower back which also made me feel uncomfortable. We walked upstairs and into a beautiful kitchen. It was very spacious, it had marble countertops and an island in the middle with 4 chairs around it. I pulled a chair out and sat down facing Jack as he made me lunch. He would occasionally look up at me, this whole thing making me very uncomfortable, I would look down tying to avoid making eye contact with him, but he would just point that out. "Why are you so scared? I'm not that intimidating, am I?" He asked as he passed me my plate with macaroni and cheese. "Thank you." I mumbled, avoiding his quetion. It was silent for a couple of seconds. I just looked at my plate, not touching my food. "I didn't poison it in case you were wondering." He chuckled. His laugh made me crack the slightest smile. I looked back down at my food and took a bite. Mmmm, it was pretty good. He's a really good cook. But then again, anyone can make mac and cheese. "So, Zoey. I think we should get to know each other..." I gulped as I swallowed my food.


Hiii, sorry for the late update. Here it is, my longest chapter yet, I believe. So I was thinking if I should change the title and cover of this book. I kind of want to change it but idk. I'll figure it out, comment your opinions. Anyways, I'm gonna go get started with the next book, byeee.

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