Chapter 5||Jack

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•>•>•>1 week later (Friday)<•<•<•
(Zoey's P.O.V)
"I never loved you, fuck that, I never even liked you" Miles yelled at me while I was in tears. I still don't know where I am. "Why are you doing this to me?" I cry. "Fucking whore" Miles mutters as he walks away and I start crying even more.

From behind Miles, the familiar guy from before who was dressed in black appears. This time he's not dressed in black he's wearing a plain white T-shirt with no logos or anything and grey sweatpants. His hair is pushed back and it kind of makes me think he looks attractive. What the fuck am I thinking?

I got caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice him walking to me. I started panicking as he pulled out a role of tape from behind him. He ripped a piece with his teeth and placed it over my mouth as someone else from behind me placed a blindfold on me.
I wake to myself breathing rapidly matching my heartbeat. As soon as I realized it was a 'nightmare', I turned to look at my phone.

6:59 a.m.
Friday, October 19, 2015

Reading this made me excited but somewhat nervous that our anniversary was coming up. I just couldn't wait.

I got out of bed and went to my bathroom. I took a shower last night so I'm just going to wash my face since the rest of my body doesn't feel dirty and sticky. I turn on the faucet as some water sprinkles my face. I join my hands together, side-by-side, and place them under the running water. Once my hands are filled with enough water I shut my eyes and splash my face. It feels relaxing. I wipe my face with my fingers and then dry myself.

I walk back to my room and pick my outfit for the day (outfit at the top/side). I get dressed and walk out of my room. I walk downstairs and opened the refrigerator as soon as I got to the kitchen. I take out a juice carton and pour myself some juice. I put it away and walk upstairs.

It's 7:45 a.m. and school doesn't start 'til 8:30 a.m. but I leave at 8:00 a.m.

I walked into my room and turned on the Tv. I watched PLL for awhile until I got a text.

(Z=Zoey, M=Miles)
M: Hey have you started walking to school yet??
Z: No, why?
M: Good! Do you want a ride?
Z: Sure!
M: K, be there in 2 minutes

As soon as I received the text, I hurried and packed my bag before running downstairs. I walked out and sat on the porch waiting for Miles to arrive.

When he arrived he walked out of the car and up the stairs. He came up and wrapped his arms around me before kissing my forehead. "Hey Beautiful" he said. There was something weird about the way he said it. "Hey." I said. He held my hand and took me over to his car. "Ready to go?" he asked once we were in the car. I nodded my head. "Are you ok? You seem kind off today." He said as he started driving. "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired." I said. The rest of the car ride was silent until we got to school. He turned off the car and right when I was about to open the door and walk out he ut the lock on the door. I turned around and looked at him confused. "Zoey, I know there's something wrong, tell me what it is, maybe I can help." He said. I looked at my phone and there was about 5 minutes 'til school started. "Can we go? We're going to be late" I said completely avoiding his question. "No. Not until you tell me what's wrong." He said kind of frustrated. I didn't want to tell him that I thought there was something weird going on with him. So I had to lie. "Nothing, it's just I've had a lot of homework and projects to do and I'm really stressed out." I lied. He lifted up my head, using his thumb and index finger, and looked me in the eye. "Babe, you know you can trust me, don't hide things from me.... Promise?" He asked. What was I thinking? Miles hasn't changed, it's just me being paranoid. Miles is such a sweetheart. "Promise." I said. "Let's go babygirl" he said as he walked out and opened the door for me, locking the car behind me. We started walking towards the school, hand in hand, when the bell rang. I had visual arts and he had history, which were on the complete opposite ends of the school. He kissed my forehead before saying bye and walking to his class. My first period was 3 classes to the right so I quickly walked to class hoping my teacher wouldn't notice that I'm late. She's really strict and will mark you late even if you're 30 seconds late.
• • •
The rest of my day went by really fast. It was now 10:00 pm and I had finished all my homework and was currently binge watching on youtube. It didn't take long before I eventually fell asleep.

(Jack's P.O.V.[I know you were waiting for that to happen for a while now][Also this is before she went to sleep like when she was walking home])

I watched as Zoey walked home from school. She was listening to her music as she looked around. She probably felt like someone was watching her... me.

I've been watching her for a while now. Ever since the first day I laid eyes on her I knew I had to know her. But i just couldn't bring myself to do it. I had occasionally bumped into her on purpose just to get some type of physical contact or whatever, but that always failed because she would just smile, say sorry and walk away. I had to do something to make her mine, and I wanted it to happen now but i just needed a little bit of help, which is why I got one of my good friend, Miles, to help me out. He also happened to go to the same school as her and he was really close to her. I knew he didn't have feelings for her so it wasn't like he would ever take her away from me, right?

Im so sorry for not posting in a really long time. I know I said I would post soon in the last chapter and that i wouldn't forget about this book but I just started high school and I'm still getting used to everything and I've been getting a lot of homework and ISP's (or ISU's whatever you want to call them) and they're basically really important projects you get for every class. anyways, now that I'm on winter break/christmas break, I will have some time to publish chapter(s) for this book and other books

P.S: I am not going to make anymore promises saying I'm updating cuz I won't update and then i'll remember and I'll feel bad. But yeah, I'm going to get started on the next chapter rn...

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