The Replacement Date

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Camila felt very self-conscious, sitting alone in the center of the fancy restaurant. It wasn't because she looked out of place. Far from it, as the Latina wore a simple but nice blue dress. It was the fact that she was alone. She looked at food, then her watch which read 8:12 and sighed.

Just a few days ago, Shawn Mendes a very tall handsome looking senior with short light brown hair and a chiseled jaw rather unexpectedly asked Camila out. She had him in a couple of classes and had seen him around. He seemed friendly and outgoing, but she never really had a chance to talk to him. He said he had been interested in her for some time and finally got the courage to ask her out. He seemed down to earth and rather eager to take her out. He even offered to take her to a new steak place that had recently opened up.

Though it wasn't the person she really wanted to go out with, namely Lauren, she liked him enough and said yes. A date was set for Friday night.

Her friends all seemed happy with the unexpected invitation. All except for Lauren of course, who merely scowled and openly wondered if he had lost some sort of bet or somehow, just gone insane.

Tonight was the night, so Camila dressed up and at 7:00, Shawn dressed up, with a nice white shirt and tie, came and picked her up. He was courteous, friendly and the conversation on the way to the restaurant seemed to flow well. All had gone fine at dinner. The restaurant was new but from what Camila heard, very good. They talked ordered and just before the food arrived, Shawn excused himself to go to the bathroom.

That was 14 minutes ago.

Now Camila knew from her father that men could spend a considerable amount of time on the toilet. She loved her father but she hated how he stunk up the bathroom. But 14 minutes seemed a bit long. He didn't look sick or ill, in fact he seemed in good spirits when he left.

She was afraid to touch her food, before he came back as she thought it would be rude.

It seemed a bit strange and Camila began to worry.

Suddenly she could hear someone approach from behind and before she could even turn that someone walked around and sat down.

Only it wasn't Shawn Mendes.

It was Lauren Jauregui.

She was dressed in one of nice looking outfit, with nice leather boots, black leggings, a black skirt with black and crimson top. Her hair was done in broad curls and she seemed to have put a bit more attention to her make up.

Camila who was not in the mood to have her date ruined, quickly huffed. "Lauren, I don't know why you're here, but I'm not in the mood for any of your games. Shawn will be back any second. I 've never once bugged you on any date you ever had with Matt, when you were dating him. At the very least, I would ask the same courtesy. Now please leave."

Lauren smiled and looked down at Shawn's plate. "Looks like a new York strip, done medium with garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus. I prefer the T-bone myself and a good prime rib when it's available, but this doesn't look too bad."

Lauren then picked up the glass of red wine which Mark had ordered and took a sip. She quickly shook her head and put the glass down.

"Tastes line a Pinot Noir. With steak, God is that ever disgusting. Talk about bad taste. Should have gone with a nice Syrah. I'm, sure this place would have some. I'll have to ask the wine steward."

Camila's whole face began to turn red as the Latina quickly had to suppress the urge to strangle Lauren in the middle of the restaurant.

"Lauren what in the fuck are you doing! I'm on a fucking date. I don't need you fucking it up. Now leave me the fuck alone." Hissed Camila, in a forceful but quiet manner.

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