Chapter 12: Redstonia

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Sorry for the huge rush last chapter. To show how sorry I am, here's a less rushed version of the end of chapter 11. Btw, it's in Mitch's POV.


"See, here's the thing." Jerome said as he walked forward. "You never hurt a Bacca's Benja." We all watched as the doors opened behind him, allowing Team Crafted and the MAC to enter. Jerome changed into his bacca form and roared.

Cody and Joe smirked before snapping their fingers once again. An army of squids entered the hall from behind the throne. Then Cody and Joe's skin changed to a dark blue.

"SEE I WAS RIGHT!" I heard Squid state from his position next to Stampy.

Cody and Joe rushed at them along with their army of squids. The sounds of swords clashed and the shrieks of dying squids. The guys tried to get to us, but were cut off by Joe and a few of his squids. The fighting continued until almost all the squids were either dead on the floor or continued fighting everyone. Jerome and Sky were up front, fighting the squid-like versions of Cody and Joe. Me and Rob had our backs to each other and were trying to untie each other's bonds. I was able to untie Rob before he turned around and untied me. We got up and ran over to grab swords from fallen squids and charged into battle. I was able to help Vikk and Lachlan fight off some squids while Rob went and helped a few MAC members.

It was going a good until I heard a human scream.

"JIN!" I hear Sky yell from his position above a wounded Cody, who was slowly gaining his normal color. Sky ran over to his fallen friend, who lay in a pool of his blood. Max, Red, Barney, and Ross ran over to Sky who held Jin's head close to him. I was about to go over to them when another scream sounded throughout the hall.

"PRESTON!" Me, Vikk, Lachlan, and Rob yelled in unison. Preston was being surrounded by at least 5 squids and the closest person to him was Stampy, but he was occupied with helping Jerome with Joe. Me and the rest of the Pack ran towards Preston as fast as we could.

"We'll never make it to him!" I yelled to the others. I heard Rob stop and let out a low growl. But this growl sounded, animal-like. I turned to look at Rob and stopped abruptly. Poking out of Rob's hair was a pair of maroon colored wolf ears. A tail sprouted out from behind him. Me, Vikk, and Lachlan all stood and watched as Rob transformed into a maroon colored wolf and launched himself at the nearest squid surrounding Preston.

Rob took down every single squid without our help which was impressing. While Rob had the squids occupied, me, Lachlan, and Vikk ran over to help Preston. He had a rather large gash going from his left shoulder down to his elbow.

I tore off a strip of my shirt and began to wrap it around Preston's arm.

"Here, let me help you up. We need to get you somewhere safe." Vikk said as he helped Preston to his feet. He guided him over to where a few MAC members had set up a little medical station. I turned to Lachlan who had already run off to help a few of the Team Crafted members fight off the last few squids.

I ran towards Joe, who's back was facing me. So I kicked Joe in the back of his knees, causing him to fall.

"Get him in the ground! I need to inject him with this serum to turn him back to his original form!" Stampy explained. Me and Jerome nodded before I ran and tackled Joe. He began to struggle underneath me, but Jerome came and held him down with his Bacca strength.

"Now Stampy!" I exclaimed as I struggled to hold down Joe. Stampy came over and jabbed a needle filled with light blue liquid. He injected it in and we watched as Joe slowly changed back to his original color. He looked to me to Jerome to Stampy, before finally speaking.

Destiny (Watty's2017)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara