Chapter 9: The Dead King's Emerald

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Welcome back! 

I still have nothing to say.



~Rob's POV~

After we split up from the rest of the Pack, our group began to screw around and play. What can I say? We were all wanting to relieve stress for tomorrow night's events. The trip to Torona would take all day to walk to, so when we get to the city, we'll be spending the night at the TC house. In all honesty, I don't trust assassins. But if Mitch trusts them, then I will too. Then tomorrow, we'll spend the day at the market and exploring the city. Team Crafted will give us some training in the ways of an assassin, as well as showing us how to defend ourselves if we get caught. We were told that there is a 50/50 chance we might get caught. I hope our chances are in our favor. 

We stopped for lunch in a small clearing in the Bacca Forest. Mitch told us that if any Baccas were to find us, he would take care of it. Since Jerome is a bacca, Mitch was able to visit the bacca tribe a few times and became friends with the chief. So we're lucky there.

After lunch, the rest of the trip was quiet. Except for me and Mitch. We talked about our favorite past times as well as how our life was before now. I also asked how Mitch's life as an assassin was. He told me it was thrilling and that all his kills were people who only cared about themselves or hurt others. After he told me about his life, he asked about mine. I told him that I was born a rebellious prince. I had a sister who wanted to be queen. My father wanted me to be like him, but I refused. He got angry. When me and my sister were younger, we made a deal. If my destiny was to be king, I would follow it until the day I was crowned king. When I was king, I would step down from the throne and give it to my sister. But since my destiny was with the Pack, she was given the throne anyway. So it was a win-win situation there.

The sun was sinking behind the horizon when we finally arrived at the gates of Torona.

"Who goes there?" A guard with blonde hair and blue eyes said.

"Hey there Garroth! It's Mitch! I had to stay at the Wizard's castle for a few days. Me and my friends need to enter the city for a business deal from the Wizards. Can you let us in?" Mitch yelled to the guard who was named Garroth.

(If you watch Aphmau's roleplays you'll know who these people are.)

"Sure thing Mitch. Let me get Dante to open the gate for you." Garroth said, disappearing behind the wall. A second later, a man with dark blue hair and blue eyes appeared in front of the gate and flicked a lever.

"Hey, thanks Dante! Really appreciate it man!" Mitch said as we walked past.

"No problem Mitch. Say hi to the team for me!" Dante responded.

As we walked away, I went over to Mitch and asked:

"Do they know you're an assassin?"

"Yep. He and the guards are friends with Sky because of his friend Aphmau. Aphmau is part of another assassin group over near Austrana. Dante, Garroth, Vlyad, Laurence, Travis, Katelyn, and Kawaii-Chan are all part of the group. And Aph is their leader. Dante and Garroth are on duty as guards here while everyone else is off chasing down Garroth and Vlyad's brother Zane. He wants to take over Torona, but got chased out." Mitch explained to me. I nodded before Mitch came to a stop in front of a white mansion-like house.

"HERE WE ARE!" Mitch yelled.

He went up the front steps and opened the door.

"I'M HOME SUCKERS!" Mitch yelled as we entered the doorway.

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