//chapter nineteen\\

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Echo's POV

"Aro wishes to see the both of you." Alec stated as he entered the room Jane and I shared.

Gracefully I hopped of the bed that I had been previously lying on and made my way towards the throne room.

"Do you know what this is about?" I asked Alec who shook his head.

"I figured you would." Alec joked and I chuckled at my mates brother.

"I'm sure I could figure it out but that is quite a lot of work." I replied and the twins both laughed at me as we entered the throne room. Immediately all three of us bowed.

"You wanted to see us master." I stated respectfully and Aro smiled at me while nodding.

"Ah yes dearest Echo, it seems your sister is getting married in two weeks and I shall be sending you as a representative of the Volturi, as well as so you can see your sister." Aro informed and I nodded, a smile lighting up my face at the thought of seeing the Cullen's.

"That would be incredible master, when shall I leave?" I asked, anxious to finally get to see my family as a vampire.

"Right now my dead." Aro giggled at my expression as I nodded.

"Of course master, I shall pack my things and get to the plane." I stated before bowing again and rushing to pack my bags.

"Are you sure you must return to the Cullen's?" Jane complained and I smiled.

"It's only two weeks my love, we have an eternity." I told her and she sighed.

"I know I just don't like you around them." Jane half growled and I looked at her.

"Jane my love, you must know that I love you endlessly but the Cullen's are my family as well." I murmured before kissing the blonde lightly on the lips.

"I love you too." Jane sighed and I smiled into the kiss before pulling away.

"I'll see you soon." I said before speeding out of the castle.

I took in my surroundings as I looked at the green terrain I had missed so much. Speeding down the road leading to the Cullen's house with a small smile playing at my features I took in the Cullen's house that appeared through the lush greenery.

Alice stood outside of the house obviously having seen my appearance in her visions. I sped over to the shorter brunette and pulled her into a hug.

"The rest of the family is out hunting but I wanted to surprise them, come on." Alice squeaked while grabbing my hand and pulling me into the house.

"I've missed you Ali." I chuckled.

"Wait here, they'll be back any minute." Alice instructed and I nodded while sitting down in the living room. Not even two minutes later I heard them approach the house.

"What the hell is that smell, its familiar but I can't place it." I heard Rosalie mutter and chuckled lightly, earning the families attention.

"Echo." Rosalie gasped as she hugged me tightly, I returned the hug while laughing.

"Hey Rosy I missed you so much." I whispered into her blonde hair.

"What are you doing here, why didn't you tell me you turned?" Rosalie questioned and I smiled.

"You didn't think I would miss my sisters big day and I wanted it to be a surprise." I stated with a grin.

"You look beautiful Echo." Esme said as she took me into her motherly embrace. Immediately I hugged the brunette woman back.

"Thank you Esme." I said with a smile before turning to Jasper who opened his arms to me. I didn't waste a second to rush into them and hug him.

"I missed you Co." Jasper whispered and I smiled upon hearing the southern accent I had missed so dearly.

"I missed you too Jas." I murmured into his arms.

I was home.

A/N: A short chapter that I hope you enjoy. So my plans for this book are that I am most likely only make about 8-10 more chapters before the book is complete.

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