//Chapter three\\

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Echo's POV

The following days continued a lot like the first had, I would wake up, eat breakfast with bella and Dad, then either go spend the rest of the day with Bella Jake, and Embry, or be lazy all day and sit in my room, reading, while occasionally getting snacks. Then suddenly Embry just stopped hanging out with me, he would make excuses, or simply ignore me. It was seriously starting to get on my nerves. So when a couple of weeks later Jacob started to do the same to Bella I was seriously pissed.

"Hey I'm going to go confront Jacob on why he's avoiding me can you please come?" I looked up from my book to see my sister standing, waiting for my reply.

"Of course Bella-boo let me just grab my jacket" not even caring that I was in sweats, and a T-shirt I quickly put on a my leather jacket and a pair of UGG's and hurried out of the house, and into my sisters truck where she was waiting for me.

Once we arrived I saw Jake outside in the pouring rain and I knew his excuse of being sick was totally fake. I told Bella I would wait in the car and tried to listen to there conversation, though the storm was making it impossible. Eventually I saw Jacob leave Bella and immediately rushed out to see her, throwing my arms around her freezing body I pulled her into the car, turning the heater up as high as it could go and waited patiently for her to explain. When we got home she started talking

"He broke up with me" was all she said, and that was enough.

Quickly I grabbed my sister and pulled her into a hug for a long moment, not caring that she was getting me and the floor soaking wet. Slowly I pulled back, looking at her

"Bella listen to me, it's his loss, he's an idiot for even dreaming that your not absolutely perfect, and above all else, I will never leave you." I said calmly and she started to cry as she pulled me into her while I just shushed her quietly playing with her hair.

Eventually I took my older sister upstairs, got out clothes for her and forced her to take a shower and warm up, while she was doing this I brought all the my necessities into Bella's room and laid on her bed. When she walked in I smiled at my sister

"I'm staying in here tonight and we're gonna watch movies and forget about all of life's problems for a little while." I stated with a soft smile, which Bella returned as she made her way over to the bed and got under the covers with me.

We talked for a little while until I heard a sound coming from outside, looking over the window I see Jake climbing through. He looks at both of us and I quickly excuse myself to let them have privacy. After a few minutes I hear the sound of what can only be Jake leaving, just as Bella opens the door and explained the conversation they just had.

"Apparently he's something, but he can't tell me what, and I'm supposed to already know" Bella rants in frustration. I quickly get up and walk over to her, offering her a hug and move her over to the bed.

"Sleep Bella-boo maybe you'll have some great epiphany and all our questions about Jake and Embry will be answered." I murmured while laying down next to my sister.

The next morning I'm awoken to Bella shaking me.

"Get up I think I know what they are, we have to go right now" Bella exclaimed while getting dressed, almost falling in the process.

Hurriedly I dressed in a cream sweater, black jeans and my leather jacket, grabbing shoes on the way out.

Upon reaching the Black residence, Bella flew out of car while I held back, letting my sister have some privacy. That is of course until I saw some guys exit the forest and whistle for Jake to come out. Looking closely I saw Embry was among them and my jaw dropped, he had cut is hair and got a tattoo like Jake, he also was like seriously buff, like he had been taking major steroids or something. I came out of my daze as I heard Bella yelling ferociously at one of the males I had never seen before, I took this as my opportunity to exit, and quickly did so, slowly approaching the scene with caution. When I saw the man Bella was yelling at was physically shaking with rage, I decided it might be time to intervene.

"Um Bella it might just be me, but I do believe it's not a good idea to antagonize shaking, scary guy" I stated slightly nervous for my sister. Of course being the person she is, she didn't listen, in fact she did the total opposite and PUNCHED HIM! I looked wide eyes as the guy convulsed, causing Bella to now run back just as he turned into a giant freaking WOLF. I then watched as Jake exited the house and also turning into a wolfasourus, and the two got into a dog fight, get it dog fight. Despite the situation I snickered slightly before looking at Embry with one eyebrow raised.

"You've got some explaining to do." I stated crossing my arms over my chest. He looked down nervously for a minute before grabbing my arm and lightly pulling me away from the others.

"Hey I'll take her to Emily's, were just gonna take the long way." Embry said to the other guys who snickered slightly but nodded.

So that's what he did, explain everything. He told about how he got angry and phased, how he was scared the first time, about how he couldn't be around and because he was scared he could hurt me, he also apologized vigorously, but I waved it away stating that he had a good enough reason for the silent treatment. With that we made out way to Emily's, laughing as though no time had gone by.

A/N: thank you so much for reading!! I love you all, please go check out my other stories, and don't forget to, comment, and vote!

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