Chapter 10 ~ The Ripper

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He pointed his finger silently towards the human-beast, and mouthed quietly to me, "We both attack him at different angles and come back together as one."

I nodded to him to insure that I agreed with the plan, even though I still didn't know what we were going to fully do after we would attack the human-beast surprisingly. Kayn went around the opposite corner then I went to. The human-beast turned into his wolf in a matter of seconds, pouncing at Kayn, pinning him to the hard rocky ground. "You're supposed to pin him, not for him to pin you," Hazel spoke breathlessly to Kayn in annoyance from us not coming here sooner.

"Shut up or I won't even consider on saving your ass!" Kayn barely huffed out as the wolf was pressing its paws on Kayn, glaring his sharp teeth at him, while trying to nip at his face. I took my bow off my back and loaded an arrow in it. I aimed at the wolf's head and released as the arrow drifted off and stuck into the wolf's head. Nothing happened. The wolf didn't even give a flinch. Instead, he stopped focusing on Kayn and turned to look at me.

"Ryley! Run!" Hazel shouted as she was trying to break her hands free from the cuffs, but failed. The wolf pounced at me without a second of me thinking what I would do next. He pinned me to the ground and I used my bow as a shield by putting it in front of its mouth, using all of my strength so that his teeth hopefully won't reach me. Kayn ran to me to help, but was stunned that once he almost touched the wolf, he got zapped and flew back to the wall where Nathan was almost bled dry. Kayn knew he had to help Nathan before he bled out, but was nervous that he would lose control of his own abilities by all the blood almost draining out of him. As Kayn broke the spike cuffs off of Nathan, leaving him falling to the ground, landing on his knees and hands; I was still in a bad pickle of a situation with the wolf. I groaned in frustration, knowing that the wolf's teeth were two inches away from my face, it's spit drooling on me, which smelled nasty. My emotions were getting the best of me, making my eyes turn black, but it was like I was unable to proceed with my transformation.

Laying there without being able to do anything the wolf broke my bow into disintegrating pieces as it got sucked up into the wolf's airway causing it to form back into it's human form and took a step off of me. It was choking on thin air and tried to reach out to me but broke into a million of pieces, disintegrating and seeping deep within the ground. "My bow.." my heart sank. Was it lost forever? My arrows and quiver disappeared from me as well. I got up to my feet heartbroken, but expressionless, and went over to my mom, looking if she still had a pulse. "Thank god at least.." I said softly, feeling her pulse beating on my fingers. I went over to Asher as Kayn went to break Hazel free. I felt his heartbeat as well and sighed in relief. "Everyone is alright," I smiled over to Kayn and Hazel. I pried as hard as I could with all of my strength and broke both of Asher's and my mom's cuffs off of them. They fell to the ground still being unconscious.

"Nathan!" Hazel whimpered as Kayn set her free, running over to Nathan's side. She put her hand on his shoulder and grabbed his hand with her other free one, lifting him up to his feet.

"I feel cold.." he said drifting off as his face was still utterly pale. He collapsed and was unconscious.

Hazel looked at us with tears forming in her eyes. "Someone do something!" she was mainly looking at Kayn rather than me. She looked back to Nathan, bringing his body onto hers, and cradled him. "Stay with me, baby.." she sniffled as her nose and eyes were dripping of sorrow.

"I can turn him into a Vampire.." Kayn suggested to her casually, but nervous as he was waiting for her response. She looked at him with tears running down her face, not being able to say anything, and desperately nodded in approval.

I put my hand on Kayn's shoulder and he looked at me quickly. "Are you sure?" I asked concerned.

"Please, just do something," Hazel murmured as she wiped her own tears away.

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