"How do you know this?" I ask, chewing my bottom lip now. I was a train wreck of emotions.

She pats the sleeping cats head and smiles, "My mother is friends with Joanna Blackhart, Aviana's younger sister," She explains and I felt my eyebrows knit forward.

"Before Aviana died, she transferred her powers to Joanna. After the war she fled," She explained and I nodded my head slowly.

"It's forbidden for a werewolf and vampire to fall in love," She states and I nod my head slowly.

The front door opens and Isaiah walks in and grins when he sees me, "What's up sis?" He asks and I smile.

"Just listening to grams stories," I reply and he nods, making his way into the kitchen.

I excuse myself and follow him in there, "What's she saying now?" He asks, preparing a sandwich for himself.

I sit on one of the stools and watch him, "Just going on about how it's forbidden for vampires and werewolf's to be together and all that." I say, smiling when he passes me over a sandwich.

Digging in I hear him snort, "Guess that means your love life is ruined." He says with a snort and I roll my eyes.

"There was never a love life to begin with." I retort and he laughs loudly.

He goes to reply when there was a knock on the front door, I hear grams walk over and greet the people.

"Isaiah, where you at bro!" A deep voice shouted and I watch as Isaiah freezes in his spot, his eyes growing wide.

The door to the kitchen swings open and a guy walks in, he looks like an older version of Isaiah.

"Who's this?" The guy asks and I remain silent, growing tense when a girl walks in. Messy blonde hair and blue eyes.

I chew on my bottom lip, "I'm Iliana, this is awkward, peace." I say, darting for the door when the older guy reached out and grabbed my arm.

I grumble under my breath and stomp my foot, "So what your saying is - you are my little sister?" He asks and I gulp.

My eyes dart to Isaiah and I shot him a helpless look, "I actually have to leave." I state, pulling away from him and darting for the front door.

I hear one of them run after me and slam my hands against the wall, causing the house to shake as I rush through the front door, darting down the road.

I wasn't really one who liked to do family reunions as you could see.


I wipe the blood that dripped from my lips and make my way through the dark woods. I blacked out again and found myself in the same spot.

I was covered in blood again, my hair tumbling down my back with dirt and leafs in it. Groaning out I try to stand but fall back to the ground.

Mumbling under my breath I freeze in my spot when twigs snap from behind me, frowning I turn slightly and notice the same white wolf standing there and watching me closely.

"You like watching me fail don't you?" I ask, swiping the hair out of my face.

The wolf stood there, moving his head as if to nod.

Grinning I sat there and beckoned the beast closer, it listened and stood in front of me with its head lowered. I place my fingers in its soft fur and smile to myself.

"Will you ever show your true self to me?" I ask and the wolf stepped away from me. He tilted his head before backing away.

I watch as he howled and his bones snapped, he whimpered out but within seconds the white wolf was gone. In his spot lie a guy, his back bare and nothing but a pair of boxers covering his bottom half.

He groaned out and I crawled forward when he finally snapped his back and showed his face, my eyes widened when they glanced over his thick messy brown hair and dark eyes.

"Ben?" I ask, shock dropping in my voice. His eyes snap open wide and he looks at me, his lips thinning into a line.

He cracks his knuckles and shrugs his shoulders, "Sorry to disappoint," He says.

"It's not that - this whole time you let me think that I was crazy!" I snapped and he chuckled, the deep sound sending shivers throughout my body.

I stared at him with narrowed eyes, "So, your a werewolf?" I say, drawling out my words while watching him closely.

A smirk covered his lips, "That would be the correct term for it," He retorted and I rolled my eyes.

"I like you better as a wolf," I state and he laughed loudly.

This was a different side of Benjamin Fisher

"I think I should get you home, you need to wash all that blood." He says and my eyes widen.

Looking down my white nightgown was drenched in blood, my hands and arms were also covered.

What did I do?

"So I guess you were right when you thought you were a vampire." He states and I snapped my head over so I could glare at him.

I narrow my eyes and begin making my way through the forest, Ben hot on my trail.

Within a half hour we make it back to my place, I jumped int he shower so I could wash away all the blood while Ben waited out on my bed.

I scrub my fingers through my hair and watch as the water tinged red, I wash my body with soap and body wash, jumping out quickly while wrapping a towel around my body.

I towel dry my hair before slipping on my undergarments and pyjama pants, along with a tank top. I sigh out and walk out into my bedroom, a smile carving my lips when my eyes land on him.

He was in his wolf form, lying at the end of my bed all curled up in my green fuzzy blanket. I laugh, flicking the lights out and locking my bedroom door.

I stumble around in the dark before my hands landed on my bed, I slip under the covers and felt Ben lie his head on top of my legs. Thankfully my bed was a king size because Ben was huge when in wolf form.

I snicker out and pat his head, feeling his soft fur brush against he palm of my hand, "Night Ben," I whisper.

He licks my hand - almost like he was saying goodnight.

This was one very messed up day.

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