10. Leave

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I got home and Ji Soo was standing at the door with his arms crossed, "Omo, Ji Soo, I'm so sorry I didn't call to tell you I was ok," I went over to hug him but he just pushed my arms away and walked up to his room then slammed the door shut. I just sighed and brushed my hand through my hair,

I decided to make his favourite food for dinner to try and make up for yesterday, i made the food and set it on the table. I then called for Ji Soo, "Ji Soo! Dinner's ready!" I shouted to him but after a minute of no one coming down I shouted again but, yet again, got no reply.

I groaned and got up off the chair I was sitting at. I made my way up to his room and pushed open the door, "Ji Soo I sa-" but I stopped mid sentence. There was no one in his room, only thing was some clothes and the window left open.

"Ji Soo!" I looked down out of the window but seen nothing. I ran out of his room and down stairs then put my shoes on, grabbed my coat and phone then ran out the front door. I ran straight to the park because I know he usually goes there with his skate board, but he wasn't there.

I then went to his favourite shop, no one.


I've been looking for him for 4 hours and still no luck. I decided to phone Jimin, I have of course been crying, but wouldn't you?

I tapped on Jimin then waited for him to pick up, "Hello?" Came through the phone, "*sniffles* Ji-Jimin?"

Jimin- "Whats wrong Ha Na?"
Ha Na-" I-I don't kn-know where Ji-Ji Soo is!"
Jimin-"Oh he's in mine with me, Jungkook and Taehyung."

My eyes widened as he said that, "I'm coming over!" I then ended the call and put my phone in my pocket then began to power walk to Jimin's. When I got there I wrapped on the door and Jimin opened it. I pushed past him and walked up to Ji Soo and hugged him and began crying again.

"Ji Soo! I thought I lost you aswell!" I said while still hugging him, after a while of him just standing there like a stick let go of him, "Leave," He told me then walked behind Jungkook and Taehyung back into the living room. I just stood there for a second the barged throughJungkook and Taehyung into the living room aswell. "What?" I asked him, "I said leave," He then spoke back to me,

"Yah! Ji Soo! I've been walking around for 4 hours looking for you!" I pulled him around to look at me, "So?" He just shrugged his shoulders at me while giving me a cold stare, "You didn't even come up to check on me after!" He then lost it and pushed me, hard, I fell back and hit my head off of the wooden table,

"Ouch," I got back onto my feet while rubbing the back of my head, I could feel the blood rushing down my hand, "I didn't come up to see you because I was making your favourite dinner," I told him then grabbed my phone off of the floor because it had fell out while I fell down, I walked out of the living room and was about to leave but turned back to the 3 boys looking at me,

"Thanks for helping," I said to them then slammed the door shut,


"Ji Soo! What did you do that for?" Teahyung asked him, "She didn't tell me she was staying out," He sat down and crossed his arms,

'Aish, so stubborn,' I thought and went to sit beside him, "You know she was on her way home last night but a man had followed her and started to chase her but she didn't want to lead him home to you so she ran back to here," I told him, "Then she had to sleep here because it was too dangerous to walk home," I finished and Ji Soo stood up,

"I need to go find her!" He then grabbed his bag and started to leave, "Wait! We're coming with you!" I shouted and grabbed Jungkook and Taehyung.

We went out and went straight to Ha Na's house,

When we got in we saw her sat at the table, the table was full of Ji Soo's favourite food, before we could go in I stopped them and saw her sobbing she then got up and pushed all of the plates onto the floor, all of them smashing, she then screamed and threw the cup she was drinking out of at the wall,

She then left after a while and went up to her room, we all just stood there in shock, "Guys, go pick up our Clothes and bags, Ji Soo and I will stay here and when she's asleep, we'll tidy this up for her," I whispered to them, they nodded then left making sure to close the door slowly so that it didn't make a sound.

Ji Soo and I stood for about 20 minutes waiting until they came back and when they did, we got straight to tidying up as we could hear snores coming from up stairs. Luckily no one had got hurt and we were finished in around 2 hours, it was now 11:30pm and we decided to sleep down stairs,

"Night guys," I said then fell asleep thinking about Ha Na,


Sorry for not posting much, I've really been busy. I hope you all understand😊
More chapters coming soon"""


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