"We'll take two slabs of all three." Isabeth smiled soothing the hurt feelings of the dirty blonde. "And it's not you Faith's a bitch to everyone." The dirty blonde chuckled as she tapped on the register.

A smile crossed Faith's face. She knew it was right. She didn't try to be mean it just happened, flowing from her mouth like water. Rudeness was her default setting; being nice left you with hurt feelings and a bruised ego.

"$356.98" The dirty blonde informed. "Cash or credit?"

Isabeth dug into her lavender Fendi tote pulling out a gold metallic Kate Spade wallet, "Faith, did you want to pay?

Faith cocked her head towards Isabeth, "The only thing in my wallet is a Magnum and I don't think they trade condoms for ribs." She glanced at the dirty blonde, "Do they?"

"No." The girl lowly answered keeping her eyes on Isabeth too afraid to look at Faith.

Isabeth smiled as she dragged the wallet's zipper back, "I got it." She handed the girl her credit card.

"Isabeth Harlow Ovien and Faith Emilie Payson!" A six-foot longhaired dark blonde guy yelled as he stood in front of the door. "I thought ya'll were going to Monaco for the summer." He embraced Isabeth and Faith in a bear hug as they stepped out the line.

"Dalton Fallstone!" Isabeth patted him on the back. "Why must you always call us by our full names."

"I hate that shit," Faith pulled away from him as his hand tried to travel past her Mason Dickson line.

Dalton combed his paddle hand through his shoulder-length hair, "That's why I do it." He smirked. "I heard about Columbia." His voice lowered eyeing Faith. "Did you really—"

"No!" Faith quickly cut him off. "Don't believe every fucking thing you hear."

Isabeth readjusted her crème fedora after Dalton's rectangle head nudged it up, "What'd you do?"

Faith waved away Isabeth's eager gaze, "I'll tell you later."

Isabeth nodded.

"Oh shit!", Dalton's booming clap drew everyone's attention and made the girls jump. "That means you guys are coming to the City Twins Sinner and Saint's Party."

"Is it at the estate or the island?" Faith pulled out a bottle of raspberry lemonade from the fridge by the door.

"The estate." Dalton grabbed himself a root beer before Faith let the door slam. "You know the Faulkners' banned parties at the island after the fire Keaton started."

Faith let the cold liquid roll over her tongue, "I forgot about that jackass. Some people can't play Drunk Jenga."

"Who you telling?" Dalton twisted the top back on his bottle. "My elbow still hurts every time it rains."

"I told ya'll beer, molly and boats don't mix." Isabeth could still see the scar on Dalton's elbow that was left behind after he crashed into the dock.

The dirty blonde appeared at their side, "Here's your order." She handed off the warm paper bags to Isabeth.

"Are you going to be a saint or a sinner this year," Faith asked pushing away the bag Isabeth held towards her.

"I haven't decided, yet." Dalton answered, "But we don't have to guess about you."

"Hey," Faith playfully punched his shoulder. "I could be a saint."

"Yeah! She can." Isabeth agreed with a shake of her head. "Even Lucifer was an angel."

Dalton and Faith laughed as Faith scoffed at both of them, "With friends like ya'll."

"You'll never have a dull moment," Dalton said with a grin. "Speaking of friends...where's Fiona?" He glanced around them as she had to be nearby.

Faith shrugged with a nonchalance that pulled a deep sigh from Isabeth.

"Monaco," Isabeth answered. "She'll be back near the end of summer."

"And Troy?" He asked, his words only pointing to Isabeth."

"Internship in Seoul," Isabeth stated glancing at her car parallel parked by the curb with a fondness growing in her chest at how eager she was to catch up with her close friend. "He'll be back once it's over."

"So, we're all going to be here." Dalton held up his hand as Hugh Moreau called him over. He smirked as if he had mischief conjured in his mind. "This should be fun."

"Totally," Faith added with a straight face. 

It seems that Faith is keeping more than one secret.

Do you think Isabeth is suspicious of Faith's cut?

If you were going to the Sinner and Saint's Party which one would you choose?

If you were going to the Sinner and Saint's Party which one would you choose?

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Wicked Games: Book Two of The Psychopath SeriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat