Chapter 22: Truth Or Dare II

Start from the beginning

konanbae: Toasted!

tobibae: Buttered!

painbae: and Burned!

Hinata Hyuuga: N-Naruto-k-k-kun...

Viktor Nikiforov: She's doing it!

Ino Yamanaka: LE GASPPP

Rockin' Weed: You called?

Ino Yamanaka: I said Le, not Lee. Stupid Lee!

Rockin' Weed: Why ya gotta be so rude~~

Ino Yamanaka: 'cuz it's fun!

Sakura Haruno: true beans bro.

Rockin' Weed: So, it's fun to be mean to me? ;-; WAHHHHHHH

Sakura Haruno: You made him cry!

Ino Yamanaka: No! You did!

Sakura Haruno: BIG FOREHEAD!

Ino Yamanaka: INO PIG!!!

Hinata Hyuuga: N-N-Naruto-kun...?

Naruto Uzumaki: Yah?

Hinata Hyuuga: You know b-b-back in C-c-chapter 18: Talk With Songs how we were singing Pe-Pe-rfect Two...?

Naruto Uzumaki: Yep! Wait... what do you mean chapter 18?

Hinata Hyuuga: Oh, nothing. Just something Fia's favorite people know. ;;))

Naruto Uzumaki: ?

Hinata Hyuuga: Well... haven't you noticed?

Naruto Uzumaki: Noticed what?

Hinata Hyuuga: T-that I l-l-like you.

Naruto Uzumaki: What do you mean?

Hinata Hyuuga: I'm madly, deeply, unexplainably, extremely, in l-love with you, damn it!

Sakura Haruno: HOLY SHIT SHE DID IT!!

Neji Hyuuga: OMFG



Naruto Uzumaki: ...What?

Hinata Hyuuga: What's your response, Naruto-kun?

Naruto Uzumaki: I-I...

Hinata Hyuuga: You don't like me. I knew it.

Why would you, the amazing light of Konoha love me? A weak girl that's a disgrace to her entire family...


I never should of confessed! Now I'm embarrassed, heartbroken.... and now you won't even talk to me! Let alone like me!

What, was I dreaming? I'm just a failure. A failure that doesn't deserve love from the allstar known as Naruto Uzumaki.

Do you p-p-possibly hate me?

Naruto Uzumaki: ...

Hinata Hyuuga: I knew it!!

Naruto Uzumaki: That's not it!

Hinata Hyuuga: Then, what could it possibly be?!?

Naruto Uzumaki: The fact that I think...

Hinata Hyuuga: You think what?!

Naruto Uzumaki: That... there's a chance...

Hinata Hyuuga: A chance?

Naruto Uzumaki: That I'm starting to fall in love with you too...

Hinata Hyuuga: W-what?

Naruto Uzumaki: I said it.

Hinata Hyuuga: So, you don't hate me?

Naruto Uzumaki: More like the opposite.

Hinata Hyuuga: R-really?

Naruto Uzumaki: Certainly.

Hinata Hyuuga: ...

Naruto Uzumaki: ...

Hinata Hyuuga has gone offline.

Naruto Uzumaki has gone offline.

TenTen: Damn Daniel!

Neji Hyuuga: I wasn't expecting that...

Shikamaru Nara: I was.

Ino Yamanaka: Smartass!

Shikamaru Nara: Not really, I just analyzed their behavioral patterns and decided when and how they may end up getting together.

Ino Yamanaka: I repeat... S-M-A-R-T-A-S-S.

That's all, folks! Uh, how was it? I was worried it wouldn't come out right... but I published it anyways.

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