Chapter - 3

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      we were currently having biology class and as usual it was boring, now as you all know biology class is always interesting but our biology teacher Miss Shanie is quite boring and most of the time she sleeps as she is growing old. We were all very bored and not to sound rude some were even sleeping when suddenly our coordinator came and announced that from now onward we are going to have a new Biology teacher as Miss Shanie is retiring from her job.

  The classroom started to buzz around with excitement, sorrow regarding it and many were sad about it as she was leaving because we could gossip as much as we could in her class.

Class went pretty fast than I expected and lunch break came. I was just about to get up  when suddenly Tasha exclaimed,

"You know Adyln caught Dylan( her boyfriend) making out with Reily( her minion)"

"Oooh here comes Miss Gossip Queen." Said Venessa.

We laughed and Tasha dived into the story on how in chemistry class Dylan was caught.

"Serves her right." Said Dorethea and we couldn't agree more.

Anyway lunch as usual went fast with all those gossips and food. Did I mention how much I love food. Food is everything honestly. So we were all walking back to our class, me and Tasha discussed some personal matter as she is my best friend and seems to understand me the most. The day was quite okay so far. No drama *blessed*

The final departure bell rang and we rush out and said our good byes to my friends and I rushed out to catch the school bus. Yes I usually use the school bus but when it's my lucky day I get to ride with mom and dad but its quite rare. But really I don't mind.

For being late I sat on the last bench of the bus and in the window seat to enjoy cool air. I love nature. As I was making myself comfortable I saw the girls in the bus started whispering. I looked forward and saw none other than the 'hottie's' walking towards the end of the bus walking like as if they were king or something. *eye roll*
'God! What do they think of themselves' I thought to myself.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by someone sitting beside me.
Guess who?

None other than my favorite Trevor Maxfield.
Note my sarcasm.

"Excuse me?" I said.

" You are excused." He said like as if I want something from him.

God give me some patience. I silently prayed.

" Hello! Why are you sitting here?" I said.

"Do I have to ask you where I will sit?" He said smirking
His audacity.

"Yes! That's if you are going to sit beside me" I said as a matter of fact.

"Why? Are you Queen or something that I need your permission?"

How dare he! And to make the situation more worse, his friends were laughing and enjoying the scene.

"No. But that's a form of respect you should know about. Oh sorry. Do you even know the meaning of the word 'respesct'? I guess no." I replied feeling satisfied.

He rolled his eyes.
Such nerve of this guy.

Suddenly he came more closer to me and put his shoulder behind my back but not touching me. Clever!

"What the hell is your problem Mister?"

"Now what have I done Miss Short-Tempered."
How dare he.

"You just sat on my skirt and put your arm behind me and calling me names and you are asking what you have done. Are you crazy or what?" I was fuming by then.

"Well sorry for sitting in your skirt but I can put my arms anywhere." He said being not a bit of sorry.

"Anywhere but not behind me." I stated.

"Why not? Am I touching you? No. So I can put my arm anywhere. This is not your property Miss Short-Tempered." He smirked.

"Stop Calling me names!"

"Sorry none can do."

I just rolled my eyes. I think I am going to have eye problem just by staying with him. Because the amount of time I am rolling my eyes I don't know what will happen.

"By the way I am Trevor Maxfield as you already know." He said casually.

Huh the audacity of this guy.

"Well I never asked and knew your name but anyway." I replied making sure he understand that I don't care.

"Like hell you don't know. Don't try to be sarcastic."

That ego! If I could I would crush his ego and feed it to the beasts. Huh.

"Not everyone knows your name Trevor and not everyone dies for you." Note my sarcasm. But I am not gonna tell him that except me everyone practically jumps on him.

I never met Trevor in person before until today and what I have heard from others is that among his friend group Trevor is the most conserved and mysterious and most responsible one who looks after everything perfectly and that he don't talk unnecessarily. And it seems like that too. But if all this about him  are true then why is he behaving so weird with me?

My thought were interrupted again by the same person, Trevor looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I snapped.

He chuckled and said,
"So what is your name Miss Short tempered?"

"Don't call me that!"

"Well I don't know your name." He said as a matter of fact.

I rolled my eyes and said,
"Sure. You don't know my name."

"I don't."

"And you don't have to know even. Idiot!" I said and started to walk off the bus.

" I know I am awesome." He shouted.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night! Everyone k ows you are an idiot" I shouted back not caring how much audience I have gained already. With that got off and the bus left.

And that how my dear friends I met ' The Trevor Maxfield' the person I hate so much.

Authors note:

Hey Everyone!!! Hope you all are doing fine. So what do you think of the story so far? Do you like Trevor? What do you think of Trevor's weird behavior? And Emily? Do you like her? Please comment below and tell me what do you think.

And please give this story a chance. Please. If there is any query do tell me.

Please vote and comment. Its will mean the whole world to me.

P.s: if you find any mistake feel free to point it out to me. This story is not yet proof read so you might get mistakes. Please excuse those.

And please vote and comment.

Happy Reading!

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