Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

Aw, he does care. Isaac thought.

Derek waited until he couldn’t hear Isaac anymore before he sighed and looked around the empty loft. Stiles wouldn’t be back from Oregon until late Sunday and he knew he would be far too tired to see him until Monday night at the earliest.

As much as he complains about wanting his time to himself, he’s spent too much of it with Stiles to know what to do with himself when he actually is alone. Especially when he would be alone all weekend.

He just hoped that Peter wouldn’t catch wind of it for fear that he would show up for some family bonding time. That usually meant that he was up to no good.

It’s not like he hadn’t thought about what Isaac had mentioned; living with Stiles that is. Of course he had, even if he would vehemently deny it. The major factor when it came down to decisions like that was their age difference. Stiles was still in school for Christ’s sake.

Derek groaned and walked over to fall into one of the armchairs with his head in his hands. The other major factor was the reason for his empty loft; college. That was one thing that Derek did not want to think about.

As if hearing his thoughts, his phone buzzed in his pocket; a welcome distraction.

He fished it out and swiped the screen to open up the new message. His brow furrowed as he read the small digital words.

I think it’s time you and I had a chat. Meet me tonight at that café you and your human trigger are so fond of. 8pm – don’t be late.


There was no doubt of who it could be. The single letter was enough to tell him that he was about to have a meet and greet with his fellow alpha, whether that would be friendly was another question entirely.

Isaac walked along the path away from the loft, slowly shuffling and waiting for a message from Scott. He had said earlier that he would let him know how well he was going with his study, sadly, it wasn’t great.

Won't be able to see you tonight, this assignment is killing me. Raincheck? Promise I’ll make it up to you ;)

Isaac sighed. He understood why, of course he did. Scott promised Melissa that he would work on his grades for senior year so he didn’t begrudge him that. He was just bored was all.

You better. Love you.

He replied. This was the worst part, finding something to do with himself. He wasn’t really that close to Lydia or Jackson, and he and Allison were sort of a tricky subject at the best of times, what with the whole Scott thing.

Then there was Stiles who was away with his father, and Derek wasn’t in the friendliest mood of all but he suspected that was because he was brooding on some bottled up emotion that he didn’t want to talk about.

He had no idea what Boyd and Erica were up to. Even so he didn’t really feel in the mood to deal with Erica so he called up the one person he could think of to spend some quality time with.

The phone rang almost five times before he heard a voice pick up on the other end.


“Hey Cass, you busy?”

“So you looking forward to this kiddo?” The sheriff asked, looking away from the road for a second to smile at his son.

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