Lecture: Education for the 21st century

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Education for the 21st century

•„Learning: The treasure within...”(UNESCO report on education for the 21st century)
•Four pillars of education

The four pillars of education

1.. Learning to Know
implies the development of one's activities necessary for living
•Providing the foundation to be ready for
➡Fast technological changes
➡New economic patterns
➡New social patterns
•Wide general education
•Deepen knowledge in selected subjects
•Support the appetite to learn

2. Learning to Do
represent the skillful and creative application of knowlege.
⚫Acquire skills to cope with different and unforeseen situations
⚫Learning to work in a team
⚫Opportunities to try out and develop skills
⚫Work experience and community work•Mixture of education and experience

3. Learning to Live Together
•Develop an understanding for fellow people
➡Spiritual values
•New awareness, based on understanding of growing interdependence
•Joint analysis of future risks and challenges
•Joint projects
•Joint solving conflicts in an intelligent and peaceful way

4. Learning to Be

➡More independence
➡ More judgement
➡More personal responsibility

⚫Hidden talents must be uncovered
➡Logical thought
➡Charisma of group leader
➡More self knowledge

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