1.12 - The Holiday

Start from the beginning

After few moments we aboarded the plan and were off in the sky.

"So tell me" I said to Emily and popped my elbow on the arm rest between us. Emily sighed a heavy breathe and kept the magazine down.

"Okay. As you know we were almost on each other's throats during the time when we met at your wedding but now things changed. I had that intership which happens to be in his company. At first he literally annoyed me to death which he still does but he kind of grew on me" she said with a small smile on her lips.

"But.....?" I trailed off as I know there's a but in her story. She sighed again and looked at me vulnerably.

"You know he's a womaniser and I don't want to get my heart broken" she said. I awed and pulled her in a hug.

"I know heartbreaks are worst Em, but its worth it if you have the one you love by your side." She just smiled at me sadly.

"And Em if its easy to get then that's not a love story" I continued and turned to look out of the window. Actually it was nothing to see as clouds were everywhere but the blue sky looked lovely. I always wished to touch those clouds. I wonder how will they feel under my touch? Will it be soft or will it be like I never touched anything.

Soon we landed in Miami. The hot morning air of Miami hit me as I stepped out of the plane seeing as it took only 3 hours max to reach us. I smiled as I remember the last time I came to Miami.

It was almost 7 years back. When Ashley and I recently turned 18 and we decided to come to Miami to show of our bodies wearing bikinis and goofing all day on the beach. To say it was fun was an understatement.

Seeing how much Ashley and I both loved this place dad bought a house on a beach side but later we never got time to come as we got busy in Uni and then me helping dad in his business but today I'm back but not alone. With my old and new family.

"Let's get going kids" Dad shouted from near the cars. There were two BMW cars were waiting for us.

"We adults will go in one and the kids can come in one" Will said.

"We are adults too" we all echoed together which made us laugh except Ian who just chuckled. I miss seeing him laugh.

We looked at Will but found his car already running off in distance. We all started at it with dropped jaws. That intelligent old man ran off while we were busy laughing.

Emily, Drake me and Ashley looked at each other and then the passenger door of the car. It was pretty far but good for racing. I looked again and found Drake already started running.

"Oh no you didn't" I said under my breathe and started running just a little behind him. Come on Alison you can do it. I said to myself and increased my pace. As I passed Drake his pace slowed down as he couldn't believe I just beat him to it.

"Yes, shoutgun" I screamed and jumped as I reached the passenger door of the car and opened it and stuck my tongue at Drake and Emily who were huffing and puffing before sliding in.

Soon Ian slide inside the passenger seat and Emily, Drake and Ashley in the backseat. Drake still digging holes in my head. Ian looked at me with amusement dancing in his eyes.

Feeling uncomfortable from his gaze I turned towards him and said "What? Nobody takes what's mine" I puffed out my chest a little and dramatically turned my head to look outside the window. As realisation sunk in what I just said I stiffened.

I looked in the rearview mirror at Emily and Drake looking at me with a 'really?' look and Ian just had this frown om his face. He began driving and the silence in the car was beginning to suffocate me now so I turned up the music Shape of you by Ed Sheeran started blasting through the speakers.

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