Chapter Three: Escapes and Break-Ins

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Zaira Sutell had always been known as the black sheep of her family, and she was proud of it.

When her older sister Stella was busy practicing piano or winning yet another competition, Zaira was attempting to hijack her parent's car and go for a spin in the neighborhood. When she did, at the age of sixteen, she'd been grounded for a month even though she'd brought the Lamborghini Huracan back without a scratch. 

Not like she minded. 

When her younger brother Alex graduated as valedictorian last year, Zaira was happy for him, but she didn't mind graduating without any fancy honors or speeches. She counted it lucky that she hadn't dropped out. 

So when the power died after a highly contagious viral outbreak was announced on the news, Zaira had been the one to suggest to Stella that they'd better check on the neighbors. Stella had viciously disagreed, corralling the employees of the mansion inside and locking everything down. Alex was oversees with their parents, and Stella hadn't wanted to do anything without their consent. 

"Screw that," Zaira had shot back. "I'm going to see if everyone's okay."

And boy, how wrong she'd been.

As soon as she'd left the sanctuary of her parent's property, she'd been struck by the silence. There were no cars, no buses, no people, no nothing. She did live in an upper-class neighborhood, but the total lack of noise was unusual. It was when she'd been driving for about ten minutes did she see her first monster.

It had been wandering around on the road. She nearly collided into it, but swerved just in time. It had come for her, and at first, she'd thought it was someone looking for help. But one glance at the gaping bite in the man's neck made it clear that he was dead, and wanted her to be, too.

She had stomped on the accelerator then, hard.

After zooming along the empty roads for another five minutes, Zaira Sutell had spotted an overturned, burning car, and one of the monsters climbing out of the charred window. A girl, younger than she was but probably richer judging on the looming mansion behind her, was crouched against the gates, petrified. In a rush of adrenaline, she'd hopped out of the car, grabbed a branch lying on the road, and smashed the monster's head to smithereens. 

Now, the two of them were sitting side by side in Zaira's new Merc, hurrying back to her house where Stella was probably freaking out. Despite living a short distance from one another, Zaira had never met the timid, brown-haired girl. 

Well, she thought, sucking in a breath. First time for everything.

"Hey," she said, rather lamely. 

The girl stared at her with wide, glazed eyes. 

"I'm Zaira. From up the road."

The girl bit her lower lip. "Aubrey."

"That's a nice name. Never met an Aubrey before."

"Yeah," Aubrey said, relaxing slightly. Good, good. I never took a course in babysitting. "My parents thought it was prettier than Audrey, you know? They thought it was the more creative variation." 

Suddenly, her face, which was starting to brighten, crumpled. Oh dear lord. Please don't start crying, please, please, please...

She started crying.

There were a lot of things that Zaira Sutell could handle. Like a looming apocalypse with monsters, for one. But people crying? 

"I'm s-s-sorry," Aubrey sniffled, tears seeping from her eyes. "I'm r-really grateful for e-everything you've done for me, t-truly. I parents..." She dissolved into sobs once more.

Zaira felt bad that she hadn't said anything, but she was afraid that if she opened her mouth the wrong words would come out. She had a bad habit of doing that. Instead, she wrapped one arm around Aubrey's shoulders and gave her what she hoped was a reassuring pat. 

"We're going to my house now," she murmured softly. "And we'll figure out what to do from there."

Aubrey nodded shakily. "O-okay." Suddenly, her face brightened. "Do you have a satellite phone, by any chance? I heard someone bought one recently, but I don't know if it's you..."

Zaira shook her head, but as Aubrey's face began to fall once more, she hurriedly added, "I do know who has it, though." She took a sharp right, veering from her intended path, to head towards the biggest mansion in the neighborhood that stood gleaming even against the gray sky. "Veronica Stephenson. Richest lady in the State, probably."

Aubrey stared at the mansion in wonder. It was bigger than Zaira's and Aubrey's put together, with large acreage and was set on a steep hill, overlooking the city skyline. The gates by themselves were worth a fortune - white crafted marble and obsidian. However, as Zaira pulled her Mercedes to a stop, she saw a hastily scribbled sign hanging on the gates. It read:

V. Stephenson has left the property due to the recent viral outbreak. Contact can be made by dialing 202 - 555 - 0160.

Zaira looked back at Aubrey, who looked crestfallen. She doubted that even if Veronica hadn't left that she wouldn't have lent the satellite phone to them anyways. Stella had once met the eighteen-year-old model and real estate guru, and she had seemed like the more uppity type. Still, the sight of Aubrey's face moved something in her heart, and before she knew it, she'd unlocked the door and hopped out.

Aubrey stared at her in confusion, "What's going on?"

"We," Zaira grabbed the stick that she had taken from the side of the road. "Are going to steal a satellite phone." 

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