Chapter 27

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"You're serious about this?" Jasmine's tone is weighty, but a wide smile stretches across her face.

"Yeah, I am." I reply. "I know it hasn't been that long, but I just have this–this feeling, you know?" Jasmine squeezes my hand.

"And you're not the only one. We can all see the connection between you two. But still, it's a big step."

"What's a big step?" Daveed, eavesdropper extraordinaire, plops on the couch beside Jasmine. Jas looks at me for approval, and I nod.

"Pippa's gonna adopt Cami!" She squeals.

"Well, maybe. I still have to ask her." Daveed chuckles at this.

"Dude, she's gonna say yes. Man, this is fucking great news!"

"Great news? Guys, Pippa has great news!" I recognize Carleigh's voice in the hallway, rolling my eyes as she, Emmy, and Oak pile in.

"Well, now that we're all here," I sigh, shooting glares at my nosey friends, "if you all must know, I'm thinking about asking Cami if I can adopt her."

The room is suddenly awash with noise. People are shouting questions at me, hugging, and I think Oak is crying.

"BUT," Jasmine's belt placement quiets everyone in a second, and they sit down quietly. "Cami does not yet know about this, so we're all going to keep our mouths shut. Yes?"

There's quiet murmuring and some enthusiastic nods as Jasmine scans the room accusatorily, and I'm so grateful for her announcement, because that had fully slipped my mind and the last thing I needed was someone ruining this for me.

Carleigh gets up to close the door, turning around with a panicked look on her face.

"GUYS, she's coming." She whispers loudly. There's a couple of seconds of pure mayhem, and when Cami walks in the door, she's trying to keep her giggles under control.

"Um, why was there just a mass exodus out of your dressing room?" I stall for a second, relieved when I glance at the clock on the wall.

"Almost half hour. Tommy's coming tonight, we're trying to avoid his wrath."

"Understandable." If she's suspicious, she's doing a stellar job hiding it, and settles onto the couch without any further questions.

"Hey, Pippa?"

"What's up?" I ask, turning to face her.

"My ballet shoes are kind of falling apart, and also kind of grey, I was just wondering, could I maybe get a new pair?" She's stumbling over her words a little, and I realize that this might be the first time she's ever asked me to buy her something.

"Absolutely. We can run by the Capezio store tomorrow?"

"Sounds good. Thank you, so much." I smile, turning back to my makeup and feeling even more confident in my decision to permanently make Cami a part of this family.

After our first show, Lin steals Cami to take her to his favorite coffee shop, and Jasmine and I head to 5th Avenue. Twenty-five minutes later, we're back on the train, this time with a blue box carefully nestled in my backpack.

"She's gonna love it, I promise." Jasmine can clearly sense how nervous I am, and is trying desperately to assure me and keep me calm.

"But what if–" Jasmine chuckles, covering my hand with hers.

"It'll be perfect."

That night after the show, Cami and I sit on the couch, munching on the few cookies that weren't gobbled up by hungry theatre people today. There's an episode of Grey's Anatomy playing, but neither of us are paying very much attention. Cami's on her phone, and my thoughts haven't left my conversation with Jasmine this morning.

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