Chapter 3

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I walk into my dressing room at 6:50 to find Renée and Jasmine already putting on makeup and jamming to whatever jazz record Jasmine has chosen as the soundtrack for the night. They're loudly discussing some detail of Jasmine's sex life that I honestly did not ever need to hear, and I clear my throat as I put my bag down.

"Hey Pippa," Jazzy says, finally noticing my presence. "How was the masterclass?"

"It went really well! Actually, I met this girl-" I start to say before Anthony (how long has he been in here?) cuts me off.

"Pippa's back in the gaaammmeee!" Anthony hollers. "Wait- She? Pip's going for the ladies now?"

"Anthony. She's 16."

"Woah. Pips. I know you're trying to put yourself back out there and all, but do we need to have a little talk 'bout something called age of consent?" Anthony asks me.

Pivoting away from Anthony, who leaves, no doubt to go make more jokes about me being a cougar, I address Jasmine and Renée again. "Her name's Cami. She's one of the Graham-Windham kids, and she's so adorable and talented! She sang Stranger to the Rain today and had me in tears. It was a damn religious experience."

"Will she be at the show tonight?" Jazzy inquires.

"Yeah!! I want you guys to meet her, she's the sweetest thing!"

"Any idea why she's in the system?" Renée questions.

"Absolutely none" I admit. "Actually-" I gesture for them to come closer to me and quietly explain the flinching incident and my suspicions.

"Shit." Jasmine eventually breaks the silence.

"yep." I echo her sentiments as I sink down onto the couch. "And the worst part is that there's absolutely nothing I can do. I looked it up and you have to have probable cause to call Child Protective Services, so unless I can get more conclusive proof that something's going on, she's on her own. And even if I did get her out, she'd probably just get put in another home that's even worse." I stop my rambling, noticing that I'm dangerously near tears.

"You looked it up?" Jasmine's looking at me incredulously. "You've known this girl for how long?"

Renée swats Jazzy on the shoulder and sits down next to me. "She must be really special for you to care this much about her. But you know this is out of your control, so please Pippa, don't drive yourself crazy. Who knows, maybe you just imagined her flinching."

"Maybe..." I begrudgingly agree, but inside my mind is racing. There has to be something I could do. Some way to help Cami.

I'm interrupted by the half hour call over the intercom, and realize I'm still makeup-less and in my street clothes. Determined not to pull a Leslie, I get dressed in record time and head towards the stage, running into Lin on the stairs.

"Hey Pippa Soo! How was the thing? Morgan said it was good!"

"She'd be right. All good. God Lin- they're such special kids and it just fucking sucks that-" Lin cuts me off by wrapping his arms around me.

"I know Pippa. I know. You want to save everyone, you precious cinnamon roll." I pull away at that last comment.

"What did you just call me?"

"Oh, it's something the kids are saying on the twitter," Lin says, already running away from me up the stairs. "I gotta go find Groff. GROFFSAUCCCEEE!" he hollers, as I laugh and continue down to the stage.


After bows, I run backstage to grab a sip of water before going back onstage to talk to the kids. I come on stage left to see about four 15-year-olds aggressively flirting with Anthony, while Jasmine lurks outside the circle with murder in her eyes. I chuckle as I walk by, whispering "stand down, girl" in Jazzy's ear.

Further downstage, Carleigh appears to be swapping makeup tips with a girl while Daveed and Oak orchestrate a beatboxing contest among a couple of the boys. I continue to scan the set, but I don't see Cami anywhere.

Finally, I glance out at the house, where I see a figure on the aisle of the eighth or ninth row. I quickly hop off the stage and hurry down the aisle towards her.

"Hey." She looks up, noticing me for the first time, and I see that her eyes are red and she has tear stains on her cheeks. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she says hurriedly. "I just- I mean- that was- wow." She finishes, her eyes welling up with tears, which she quickly moves to swipe away.

"Hey, hey hey. It's okay." I kneel down in the aisle, and hesitantly move my hand toward her face. "May I?" She nods and I move the hair stuck to her face aside and try to wipe away her stray mascara.

"I'm sorry." She chokes out. "I know it's dumb"

"It's not dumb at all. The show still makes me like this sometimes, and I've done it hundreds of times. You know what this means, you being this affected by it?" I ask her gently. She shakes her head. "It means you have the soul of a real actor. Hamilton is a brilliant work of art and you allowed it to affect you in such a real and honest way. That's something that even highly trained actors struggle with, vulnerability."

She meets my eyes and gives me a faint smile, and I pull her in for a hug, rubbing her back slowly. As my hand moves slightly to the left, I feel her flinch. I quickly pull away.

"Are you okay? Did that hurt? Did I hurt you?" I'm frantic.

"No no no I'm fine!" She replies, clearly lying. "I-I fell in ballet the other day, and my ribs are a little sore. That's it." I decide not to push it right then and there, and instead take her hand.

"I told Renée and Jasmine all about your performance, and they really want to meet you. Would that be okay?"

"They want to meet me?" She asks incredulously. "I think you may have that backwards." I laugh and stand up, taking her with me.

"Well either way," I start walking towards the stage, still holding Cami's hand. "There are introductions to be made."


And here's part 3! Should I write in POV's other than Pippa's? Also protective Jazzy and Schuyler Sister bonding I love it.

Have a great day/night/midafternoon!


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