Chapter 12

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"I have news!" Vanessa puts her hand on my shoulder. "CPS has approved you as a temporary foster home for Cami!" The elation flooding my body suddenly deflates, and I sit up sharply, displacing Cami.

"Temporary?" I ask suspiciously.

"Oh, no that's just an emergency thing. It means you can take her home whenever she's released, without going through all the formality of being legally approved as a foster parent. Then, once you do go through the training and get your apartment checked out and such, the state can approve you as a long-term foster parent." I relax, relieved that this doesn't mean Cami will be taken away from me.

"Vanessa?" Cami's sitting up too now, though I can see from the tension on her face that it's putting strain on her ribs. She takes Vanessa's hand. "Thank you. For this, for everything."

"You're welcome Cami, I'm thrilled it all worked out. Now, I have a husband and a dog and a baby to get back to, and you two should get some sleep," she looks pointedly at me. "Call me if you need anything."

After Vanessa leaves, Daveed finally leaves his post by the door and approaches. "I called Jasmine," he says. "She'll be here in a little bit, she's bringing you guys some clothes." It's only then that I realize I'm still wearing jeans, and I'm so grateful for my friend's thoughtfulness. "Do you guys need anything? Food, or something to drink, or anything?"

I look at Cami, realizing she's still far too scared to respond, and tell Daveed that we'd both love some water. He leaves, and I poke her cheek. "Are you hungry?" She shakes her head, stifling a huge yawn.

"Honestly, I'm just exhausted." I readjust our position on the stiff hospital bed so that Cami is lying next to me with my arm around her and her head on my chest.

"Is this hurting you?" She shakes her head sleepily and I carefully pull the blanket up to her chin. "Sleep tight, sweet girl."

She is stirring in and out of consciousness when Daveed comes back in with two bottles of water, and is completely passed out by the time Jazzy bursts through the door.

"Hey y'all!!" She practically yells, then notices the sleeping girl in my arms. "Oh, shit. Sorry!" She whispers this time, but Cami hasn't moved. Jazzy sets the bag she's holding down on a chair and comes over quietly. "How's she doing? Daveed told me you got her out!"

"She's okay, I guess?" I sigh. "I mean, I don't know if she'll ever be okay. She's been through so much shit." Jasmine nods sadly.

"Well, she has you now, and that's got to be worth something."

"I hope so."

Jasmine kisses Cami on her forehead. "Welcome to the family, girl."


"Vitals!!" I blearily open my eyes to see who dares disrupt my slumber, and see an over-enthusiastic nurse holding a blood pressure cuff. I quickly recall yesterday's events and climb out of the bed, waking Cami on my way out.

"Good morning sunshine!" I laugh as she shakes her head and tries to roll over to go back to sleep, but stop when she winces and grabs her ribs.

"That's what I'm here for," announces the nurse, far too energetically for 7 in the morning. "I have drugs!" She holds up a paper cup of pills, and Cami pushes herself into a seated position.

"I'm interested," she says, wincing. The nurse takes her blood pressure, pulse, and after a good deal of coaxing and handholding from me, a blood sample. After Cami takes the meds, the nurse turns to me.

"She's going to be discharged this morning. A doctor will come by shortly to go over instructions, and then you're good to go as soon as you sign the discharge papers!"

"Great, thank you!" I reply, but she's already buzzed off, no doubt to go spread her pep elsewhere. "How are you feeling?" I turn to Cami, who groans.

"Like I got hit by a truck." I wince apologetically, grabbing the bag Jasmine left last night. I chuckle when I see she's brought us at least 2.5 outfits each, including accessories. Only Jasmine. I toss Cami a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt with cacti on it that I'm pretty sure belongs to Anthony.

"These okay?" She nods and goes into the bathroom to change, walking slowly and holding onto the wall. I throw on another pair of leggings and a flannel and perch on the bed, waiting for Cami. When she still hasn't come out after about 5 minutes, I make my way over to the bathroom and knock on the door. "Cam? Everything okay?" There's silence for a second, and then:

"No." I try the door but it's locked.

"Can you let me in so I can help you?" After a second, the lock clicks and I push the door open to see Cami sitting on the ground wearing the leggings and her hospital gown, with tears streaming down her cheeks. "What's going on?"

"I can't" at this point I realize that while she is crying, it's because she's laughing so hard. "I can't lift my arms up because of my ribs, so I can't get this stupid gown off and I'm gonna have to wear it forever." It's not funny at all, but after the stress and panic of last night, I'm so relieved to see her laugh again that I lose it too. We sit on the bathroom floor, gasping for air, until she puts her hand on my arm. "Okay, but really Pippa, please help." I sober up and help her stand up. Realizing that the hospital gown snaps in the back, I help her get it off, seeing her stomach for the first time.

It's covered in mottled bruises, ranging from dark blue to a sickly yellow, and even my untrained eye can tell that they're not all from last night. I don't realize I'm staring until Cami calls my name and gestures at the sweatshirt on the floor, clearly uncomfortable.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Though there's no painless way to do it, we get the shirt on her, then stand in the bathroom, staring at each other, until I gently pull her into a hug, one hand on the back of her head. "I'm so sorry," I murmur. "Let's get you home."

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