You did that for me

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Kaitlyn POV
That night Emilio was sleeping so I decided to prank him. I got Ivan and Adriana to help me. The video is up there. After we did the prank Emilio couldn't get it off so we helped him. As soon as we got it off. I made breakfast for team ten. After we all ate we were all walking and some girl was hitting on Emilio so I fought her.

I was the one in the colorful shirt. After that Emilio picked me up over his shoulder. He said damn I didn't know you would do that. I said yea of course. Then we got some ice cream then we went back home by that time it was 8:49 pm because we went to a fair. I got in the shower then went to sleep.

Emilio POV

Kaitlyn was upstairs sleeping so I decided to prank her.

It's was so funny and so I uploaded it on youtube. Then I hopped in the shower and went in bed. Kaitlyn snuggled up against my chest so she would know if I left the bed.

Guys I am so sorry for the short chapter but I have another chapter I have to do. Bye bye

The love of my life (Martinez twins)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora