Meeting Them

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Jake POV

"Martinez twins!!!!"

"Yesss" they said in sync

"We are going to pick the new team 10 members. Do you want to go"

"Yes but who are they first."

"Their twins named Kaitlyn and Adriana"

"Ohh ok that's cool"

"I know right let's go."

Kaitlyn POV

Omg I'm so looking forward to this day. Five minutes later the pilot said, "Ladies and gentleman please buckle your seats so we can land thank you." I was so excited about seeing Emilio Martinez.

Adriana POV

I woke up when I heard the pilot say, "Ladies and gentleman please buckle your seats so we can land thank you." I literally about shitted my pants I was so excited about seeing Ivan Martinez.

Kaitlyn POV

When we got off the plane and got our luggage I see Jake Paul and the Martinez twins. We walked to Jake and he said,"Heyyy guys these are the Martinez twins if you don't already know them." I said,"Hey Jake,Ivan,and Emilio"

Emilio POV

When I saw Kaitlyn my jaw dropped she was so pretty.

Adriana POV

I saw that Emilio was staring at my twin. Then I said,"Hey guys!" They said hey back.

Ivan POV

When I saw Adriana she was as pretty as a flower.

Jake POV

The twins were staring at each other and I broke the silence when I said,"Hey do you guys want to go to the mall after you put your stuff down."They said ok.

Kaitlyn POV

After we got in the car Bad and Bojee l(A/N I forgot how to spell bojee don't judge) I was rapping the whole thing and the twins especially Emilio was staring at me because I was rapping I guess.

Emilio POV

When I heard Kaitlyn rapping the song I didn't know what to do. I think that I was catching feelings for her already. And she looked like a baddie.

Adriana POV

When we got home we got the room that Alissa had. It was bigger than expected.

Kaitlyn POV

I yelled,"Come on let's go to the mall!!" They said come on.

Bad and Boujee came on again.

When we was walking in the mall I saw Emilio staring at me😍. Then all of a sudden a girl my age bumped into me. Then I said," Excuse you da fuck."
"What did you just say to me" she said.

" I said excuse you da fuck"

"Bitch please"

"Whatcha mean hoe like for real"

"What you wanna fight"

"If I have to wassup"

"Are you sure"

"Yeah but I know you ain't gonna do shit." Then she pushed me. Then I punched her in the face multiple times until she was on the ground then I stomped her. Emilio,Jake,and Ivan tried to get me off with her.

"Bitch that's why you got you ass beat da fuck!"

So see what's happens in the next update!!!

The love of my life (Martinez twins)Where stories live. Discover now