Chapter 10: The Palmorii Hunt for the Third Jehovian Seal

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James lay down on the bed in his dormitory. It was nighttime, and he was very tired from the events that had transpired in the day. He dug himself into the blanket and closed his eyes. A half-hour later, he fell asleep. He had a dream that night of the Palmorii.

The Master Palmorii Assassin Zayne Miraz and Lord Raymus rode to the temple in the Viece Canyons containing the Jehovian Seal that Grand Master Thantus had spoken of.

The canyons were located in the north and center of Nomaria. Nomaria was a kingdom located in the south of Cletus. It's climate was considerably warmer than Libernia and the Pale Reach.

The Palmorii rode through the canyon on their black horses. There were tall limestone rocks with a few plants on them. The sun shone down on the land, causing scorching heat which made the Palmorii sweat under their cloaks.

Near a small cave, the Palmorii dismounted. Zayne took out a map given to him by Thantus.

"What does the temple look like, according to the map?" asked Raymus.

Zayne pointed at a diagram on the bottom right of the map, a diagram of a temple with columns.

"It is supposed to be built in the classical Nomarian style, with columns in front of the entrance, and it is carved into a canyon face in the Viece Canyons. We are almost there, Raymus. The Handlirians likely do not know about this Seal, so we do not have to worry about them. I trust the scorching heat isn't bothering you?" asked Zayne.

"No, not at all, Master" responded Raymus.

"Good. Now let us continue on" ordered Zayne.

The two Palmorii mounted their horses and continued their way through the canyons.

Zayne and Raymus rode to the end of the canyons, before finding the temple, carved on limestone marble. It had six pillars, with a tall triangular top that had elaborate carvings of figures. Raymus looked up at the building.

"The Nomarian Empire, once the mightiest in Cletus. Truly elaborate architecture that they built" he said.

Zayne came up beside him.

"You know how the Nomarian Empire fell, Raymus?" asked Zayne.

"Yes. The Palmorii infiltrated the empire from within and corrupted it, before we rallied the Nomarian's enemies along with our own army to destroy the empire and establish our own"

"Correct. Twice the pride, double the fall. The Nomars were too proud for their own good, and we took advantage of that, as we will with the Handlirians. In time, you will have your vengeance against them for abandoning you, Raymus. Now, let's enter the temple and get the artifact"

The two Palmorii walked past the pillars and entered the temple. They found themselves in a massive dark hall lit by torches. Stairs led to the next part of the temple, beside two stone statues of lions.

An old knight walked down from the stairs to the Palmorii and pulled out his sword. He had wrinkly pale skin with a white beard, and wore white clothes with a red cross and chainmail armor underneath.

"I know who you are, and why you are here. You seek the Jehovian Seal, and you intend to use it for evil" said the Knight.

Zayne and Raymus pulled out their swords.

"Step away, old man, or die. The Seal will be ours, and there's nothing you can do to stop it." ordered Zayne.

"I have guarded this sanctuary for hundreds of years from many thieves like you. I'm not afraid of you. I would rather die than to allow you to get the Seal. Even if you kill me, you will not find the path easy" said the Knight.

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