"Well for starters, getting a better torture machine"

Carlos raises an eyebrow.

"And stop trying to be so scary, and angry. Like I have never seen a HYDRA agent genuinely happy before"

"We will be happy once we have the world on our side"

"Ok, now you're just trying to play God here"

"Who do you think you are?" Venom laces his voice.

"I think I'm adorable. And I can shoot 50,000 volts of electricity, and turn your brain into pudding" I give him a mocking smile.
Suddenly, red lights start flashing and alarms go off. A smirk forms on my face when Carlos looks around, worried.

"We have intruders!" I hear Carlos' walkie–talkie say in German.

"Secure the perimeter!" Carlos responds. I didn't know he speaks German.
Carlos rushes out. Once he opens he door, I can hear the chaos out there.

"Ok, I'll just be in here!" I call out. I sigh and look around to see if I can do anything to get out. It's like one of those escape games Wanda and I played for hours on the computer.
Because of the Vibranium cuffs on my wrists, there's no way I can get out by myself.

"Perfect" I mutter sarcastically.

Suddenly the door bursts open. I jump at the sudden loud noise it makes, but instantly fill with relief to see who broke down the door.

"Tony!" I exclaim. Tony's helmet opens and revels his face.

"Winky! You ok?" He says, rushing over to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Now get me out of here!" I say rather quickly. Tony try's to rip off the cuffs holding me in place, but they won't budge.

"There's a button on the machine" I gesture behind him. Tony rushes over to it and looks for the right one.

"This one?" He points to the button that starts the machine.

"No! No no no, the other one!" I shout, trying to stop him. Tony moves his hand to a green button. "Yeah, that one" I confirm. He pushes it, and the cuffs come off immediately. I rub the burns on my wrists and wince.

"Can you walk?" He asks, concerned.

"Yeah, I think–" My legs give out before I can finish. Tony catches me before I hit the ground.

"Ok, may be not" I say. Tony's helmet forms back on his face and picks me up bridal style. He flys out of the room, but before we can get any farther, a wall of HYDRA agents come out of nowhere and aim their guns at us.

"Tony, please tell me you have a plan" I say.

"Oh yeah, I got one" he says. Tony suddenly throws me over the wall of HYDRA agents, barely missing the gun shots. I scream as I fly through the air, and over the agents. I look down and see I'm nearly 10 feet in the air!
"Oof!" I suddenly feel someone catch me in their arms. I look up and see Bucky holding me.

"Bucky!" I exclaim.

"Steve, I got her!" Says Bucky, talking through the earpiece. I turn my head to see behind me. Tony is surrounded by HYDRA agents, but quickly eliminates them with his repulsers. I turn my head around, and see Steve and Natasha running towards Bucky and I.

"Winky! Are you ok?" Asks Steve, worried I might be injured. Bucky places me down. I balance myself carefully, my legs still feel a little shaky, but I can walk.

"I'm fine" I answer. Steve hands me an earpiece, and I stick it in my ear.

"We gotta go!" Says Natasha.

"Tony, how you doing?" I asks Tony through the earpiece.

"I'm good, go! I'll catch up!" He responds. I don't want to leave him, but HYDRA agents are getting close. I nod at the everyone and we run through the base.

"Kill them all except for the short girl!" I hear an agent say. Wait, kill them all? That includes Bucky as well! Did they finally give up on Bucky and decide I'm the next best thing?
I now hear them chasing after us. As we're running, I rub my hands together. I spin myself around and slam my hands on the cement floor. A mini electrical shock wave knocks out everyone in front of me, leaving Steve, Natasha, and Bucky to run to safety.
I look up and see Tony fly near by. I get up and run with him, only to be scooped up by Tony.

"I can walk you know!" I say.

"I know, you're just going to slow!" He says.

As we are flying, we catch up with Steve, Bucky, and Natasha. Clint, Vision, and Wanda join them as well. We make it out of the building, into the outside world.
    A bright light blinds me for a second, then my eyes adjust to the sudden change of lighting and I can see again. Tony finally puts me down on the ground.  I look around to see a very large fenced area, full of HYDRA agents pointing their weapons at us.

Eh....don't really like this one, but I did my best on it so...here you go I guess.



Electric  (Bucky and Avengers fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin