Childhood Memory (1)

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(Y/n)! Sweetie be careful there might be monster's out!."
*Giggles* "it's okay Mommy it's still daylight! As long as the Sun's up I'll be fine!."
Skipping around through the soft green grass you looked around at the pretty flower's.
Spotting a little creek nearby you ran over to it taking your shoes off and walking through the ice cold water.
Hearing a bird chirp you looked around and saw that a baby bird was stuck in the water it looked to little to fly.
Walking over to it you picked it up and put it back in its nest.
Looking at the sky you saw that it was getting dark.
Deciding to walk home you stopped when you heard something really big in a Bush nearby.
A deer jumped out of the Bush.
"A was just a deer..."
A Giant bat flew at you hitting you in the head and grabbing your hair and scratching your face.
"Ahhhh! Somebody help me!."
You heard a snap noise looking up you saw that the bat had turned into black/purple smoke.
"Hey! Are you okay?."
Turning around you saw a boy dressed in green.
He had blonde hair and light blue eye's.
He ran over to you and asked once again.
"Are you okay?."
"Y-yeah...thank you..."
Grabbing your hand and holding it he said.
"C'mon let's get you home....I'm Link."
Smiling you said.
"I'm (y/n)"

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