Chapter 4

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Hey guysssss so I'm sorry this took so long to update but if you read my authors note you would have seen that I said I've been writing another Zelda fanfic but it's of vaati and I've been mainly focusing on that but now I think I'm gonna start on this one again so I'll be doing both sorry it took so long to update a chapter.
(Y/n) wait!.
You heard link yell from a distance you kept walking wondering if you should stop and listen to what link has to start to slowly slow down until you finally come to a stop.
''What do you want link?.''
You ask.
''Are you okay?.''
''Why'd you have to be so mean to Zelda back there (y/n)?.''
*sighs* ''link I don't have to be nice to everyone especially when they don't deserve it we've been over  this....and I'm just trying to look out for you is all..I don't want you getting hurt link.''
''(Y/n) listen to me okay? If I get hurt it'll be okay I'll be fine I'm a big boy (y/n) stop worrying about me so much it's okay :) now c'mon lets go find some rupees.''
''You mean lets go destroy people's property?.''
''Well...maybe not this time..''
He says nervously laughing and scratching the back of his neck.
*giggles* ''remember that time when you threw a pot and it went so high that it went through someone's widow and broke it'' *giggles*
Link blushes from being embarrassed.
''That was not my fault and I paid for the damages and apologized!.''
You burst out laughing.
''Your right it wasn't your fault it was that cats fault.'' :)
''Exactly!. It just snuck up from behind me....''
You say seriously.
''It was purring it wanted you to pet it I wasn't being serious when I said it was the cats fault.''
Link just stared at you like you were crazy.
You couldn't help but laugh at how weird he was sometimes.
'' (y/n) I know you don't like Zelda but...I really hope you 2 can get along in the future.''
*the future?* You thought.
''Link why are you talking about the future?.''
''Because (y/n) I'm gonna ask her to marry me...''
Link said pulling out a velvet red box that was shaped like a heart and inside was a beautiful diamond ring....
*gasps* o my
You looked at link seeing how happy he was then looking back down at the ring you had this weird tingly feeling but you weren't sure what it was so you ignored it you wanted to be mad but you couldn't find words to say.
''I gotta go link I'll talk to you later link k?.''

Link X Reader The Fairy Fountain Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon