Chapter 5

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You were walking through the forest still shocked that link was gonna marry Zelda you were worried and mad and confused. You didn't know why you were confused but you were it had something to do with that tingly feeling you had earlier but you couldn't figure out what that feeling was yet and it was driving you crazy!.
You were too distracted by your thoughts to even notice the rock that was in front of you.
You tripped and fell on the ground only to look back up and see a beautiful spring up ahead you've never seen it before walking up to it you seen that the water sparkles and there are birds chirping and there's also really pretty flowers there most of them were (f/f).
(F/f)-means fav flower if you were confused.)
You sat down and started to sing then you heard a voice.
''Your a really good singer.''
Slowly you turned around only to see a link look a like except he was the exact opposite he wore darker colored clothes and his eyes were a dark red and his hair white his skin a light grayish color he looked more evil.
''Who are you?.''
You asked.
''You really don't know me?.''
Confused you asked ''no? I supposed to?.''
''I guess not but I'm quite surprised I thought everyone knew who I was.''
'' I'm curious so...who are you?.''
''I am dark link you now how links good? Well I'm bad and I'm always trying to find him and fight him I destroy things I'm evil I'm a shadow and you should be scared.''
''I'm not scared of you dark link.''
He looks shocked for a second then all of a sudden a black smoke appears right in front of you.
*cough* *cough* ''ugh dude what was that?.''
''Just one of the amazing things I do.''
He says pulling out a sword and putting to your neck cutting you a little and making you bleed you wince but are not fazed.
''Are you scared yet?.''
He asks smiling.
''...nope your gonna have to do better than that dark.''
You say with confidence.
He removes the sword and puts it back.
''.....what's your name?.''
''Just curious is all.''
''I'm (y/n) now leave me alone I've got stuff to think about.''
Dark sits beside you on a rock.
''What kind of stuff?.''
''Why do you care?!.''
''I don't I just wanna know.''
''Ugh!. If I tell you will you leave?.''
*sighs* ''fine...''
You tell dark the whole story about link and Zelda and you and your weird feeling he just sits there and listens to every bit of it.
End of chapter!!!.

Link X Reader The Fairy Fountain Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant