Chapter 15: 8:30 pm

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Antonio heads off to fetch a cup of coffee, leaving me alone in the room. Shortly after, Maggie sends Connor in for a checkup, perhaps hoping that this enforced proximity will lead to a conversation. She was probably the most excited person about Con and I being together when we first started dating.

"You're good to go," he declares after assessing my vitals. As he starts to leave, he halts and turns back. "Did you take those drugs on purpose?"

His unexpected question catches me off guard. I look at him, incredulous. "What? Tony already told you guys, I was undercover, I was forced." He nods in acknowledgment but doesn't say much.

"Tony, right, okay," he replies blankly, then leaves, passing Antonio on his way out. Is he jealous of Antonio? Nothing is going on and he doesn't know about the one kiss we shared.

"I told you I didn't need to come here," I say to Antonio as I sign the release at half past one in the morning, walking outside to the car.

The hospital staff provided a bowl for me to throw up in and rehydrated me before letting me sleep off the effects of the drugs so it seems like a waste of time to have come.

"Alright! Better safe than sorry," he quips, ruffling my hair and opening the car door for me. "Where to? Your apartment or your mom's house?" he asks.

"Um, my mom's house. I'd like to be there when Lucas wakes up later," I tell him, remembering Lucas' birthday. "I got the day cleared by Voight, so I can be with him all day."

"I'll drop his present off later," Antonio replies, driving smoothly along the road.

"You didn't need to get him anything—"

"I'll drop his present off later," he repeats firmly, shutting down any potential argument.

"Thank you," I concede. "I'm sure he'll love it." Antonio pulls up outside my mom's house, walking around to my side and opening the door for me. I lean on him as I get out, and he escorts me all the way to the front door like a true gentleman.

"Get some rest," he suggests, and there's a moment where he seems like he wants to say more. His hand edges forward, brushing against mine, sending an electric shock through my skin. I quickly pull my hand away from the shock, thanking him before quietly unlocking the door, slipping inside, and succumbing to sleep on the couch.


"Mom! Mom!" A voice shouts in my ear, rudely yanking me from the delicate embrace of sleep. It feels like only two seconds have passed since my eyes fluttered closed. "It's my birthday, grandad says we're going to see the animals." The excitement radiates from my son, shaking me as he jumps up and down beside the couch.

"What time is it?" I mumble, still half in the world of dreams, grappling with the remnants of last night's events.

Sunlight spills into the room through the sheer drapes, forcing me to blink repeatedly until my eyes adjust.

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