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"Are you sure about this, E? I'm not a hundred percent sure this won't give you an infection..." He hesitated a bit before giving it to me.

"An infection is a hell of a lot better than death, dummy." I give him a playful slap on the arm. He had this lazy smile. Fumbling a bit more with it, he shook his head. "Just give it to me! Please!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am extremely sure that I am sure about this!" I groaned. He reminded me that his mom was just literally next door and that she kind of hates my guts, and shushed me. Finally, he gave it to me. "Thank you."

"Slow down, Decampo. What's in it for me?"

"What do you want?"

He smirked and I knew that what he had in mind was vile. He unlocked his phone and showed it to me. "This. For old time's sake."

"That? Are you serious?" He chuckled and nodded vigorously. "Okay then. Pioneer Center. I'll text you when. Hit me up when you start to hear stuff."

"Hey, our family is strong, aye? Everyone can fend for themselves when needed, you know that for a fact." Ethan patted my back.

"I do, just make extra precautions. We never know what's up her sleeves." I grab my hoodie and some sneakers. "C'mon, I'll take you to school."


"Uber." I smiled and he had this why-did-i-even-ask face. I booked a car which was just a minute away from the building , so we rushed downstairs as soon as I finished tying my shoelaces. The driver was a man. "Hi, we're heading to UMD."

Ethan and I sit in comfortable silence as we watched everything pass by. There was minimal traffic so we didn't stop at all. Fury was starting to build up in me, knowing that the bitch had the guts to come near my family.

"You know what? I stayed out all day yesterday, hoping to run into her." Ethan laughed. I was baffled, truly, truly baffled at his claim.

"Are you stupid, Ethan? You sound like you have a fucking death wish."

"It's hard not to ignore the woman! And, I really wanted to know why she stayed so long in the office. I bet you five dollars they were humping each other."

"Ethan, you're a freshman in college but I'm still older than you. Stop taking about sex." I thought about what Ethan had said, them fucking each other. At first, it seemed completely disgusting but the more I revel in the thought of it, the more I'm reminded of me in college.

The dean was one of the professors who didn't exactly like me. I was a hormonal, psychotic daredevil in college and I wasn't scared of any teacher. He hated that about me, but he couldn't touch me. I knew his secrets, I knew that he was like my father.

I was submitting a paper to my psych teacher and I walked in on them hitting a home run. I was surprised, yes, but it was expected. Lust was written all over their faces. The Dean especially has this perverted, eccentric look, a bit like Hannibal Lecter. Very, very shady.

He and Tirene are about the same age, and they're alumni's of the uni. Ethan, you're a motherfucking genius! He and my dreadful aunt aren't really so impossible now, right? A sly smile bent my lips, I'm going to have some fun today. Imagine how much he'd want to throw me out of his office. I guess cheaters never have a happy ending. Karma always catches up.

We got to the uni quickly and Ethan rushed to his class. I paid the dean a visit. The assistant kept blocking my way.

"Miss, you cannot enter his office without a valid cause!" She was swooshing side to side, as if we were about to make a three pointer. "I cannot let you in, miss, please! Let me ask Dr. Laurel first."

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