Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, shaking me out of my thought.


"What about me?" He asked, concern shading his face.

"Just how you have been so, so nice to me. Its unusual."

"I don't want a repeat of what happened." He gave me a half smile. "I just want to take things slow, with you."

His response made me blush which made him laugh and pull me closer, placing his lips on mine. Even though I tried to savor the taste of him, the same nagging feeling hit my chest. How could I believe him?

I guess it was time for me to start trusting him. Trust, such a funny thing. It takes so long to build up but it can crash and burn in less than a hour. I turned over and looked at the clock, seven twenty, my classes start at nine. I silently thanked my biological clock.

"I gotta get up." I said and started to move from his grip.

"Why?" He whined, making a pouty face.

"School, it is a Monday." I got out of the bed and padded to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower to the hot setting and slid Ashton's shirt over my head. It was then when I noticed all the marks, varying from brown to purple all over my neck and collarbone.

"Ashton!" I yelled.

Seconds later he was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, a sly smirk on his face while his eyes traveled to my neck.

"How the hell am I supposed to hide these?"

"Dont." He said and wrapped his arms from behind me, kissing my neck again. "Let everyone know who you belong too."

Laughing I pushed him off of me.

"As much as I want to continue this, I really have to get ready." I said and he rolled his eyes.

While in the shower the same feeling of concern in my gut. I had the uneasy feeling that Ashton was going to turn on me, any second. I guess I'd have to try to push these feelings to the side and enjoy the time I had now, while he was being sweet. After getting out the shower and putting on my jeans and shirt from yesterday.

Driving to campus, Ashton's hand was placed on my thigh and I smiled to myself.

"Do you want to do anything tonight?" Ashton asked as he pulled up on campus.

"Well I was going to go out with Ava and Kayla tonight." I said, which wasn't a lie. We had made plans tp go to the club tonight, a girls night out sort of thing.

"Oh, alright. Well i'll see you tomorrow then." He said and leaned over to give me a kiss.

I was to busy smiling, thinking about last night to notice Calum come up behind me as I was walking to my Literature class.

"I see you where busy last night." Calum's voice snapping me put of my thoughts, gesturing to my neck.

My face turned a bright shade of red which made Calum burst out laughing, and quickly covered my neck with my hair.

"Shut up." I said and pushed Calum to the side.

Laughing we walked into class, sitting in the middle of the class. One minute before class started a tall guy with brown hair and thick rimmed glasses came walking in. He was new, I didn't recognize him. He came and sat next to me and gave me a friendly smile.

"Hello." He said, his accent was off, not quite Australian.

"Hi." I said and gave him back a smile.

"Im Spencer." He said and he must have understood my confusion for his accent because he laughed. "Im an exchange student from England."

That made sense, his slightly off accent, wasn't Australian but British. Spencer turned his attention away from me and to Calum.

"Hello Im Spencer." He said and Calum gave a wave and a friendly smile.

"Im Calum."

Before the conversation went any further the professor came in and I got sucked away in another lecture.

Hours later after all my classes I was back in my dorm, Ava and Kayla surprisingly already there.

"Ready to par-tay tonight?" Ava asked while she giggled.

"I know I am." Kayla said as she studied herself in the mirror, in a tight black dress.

"You sure Michael would approve of you wearing that out without him around?" I asked her, my eyebrows raised and a smile playing on my lips.

"Well he's not here to tell me no, is he? And its not like Im going to be grinding on anyone. I just wanna have a couple drinks."

"And that's what we'll do." Ava said, strutting out the bathroom in a dark blue dress that looked amazing on her.

All three of us shared grins, tonight would be a blast.

An hour later I was walking into a club, in a red dress that hugged all of curves just right. We sat down at a booth while a waiter took our drink orders. For majority of the night Kayla, Ava, and I laughing while drinking jack and cokes. I was having a blast, the alcohol turning everything funnier.

"I think I'm gonna go dance guys." I managed to get out between giggles.

"Go have fun." Ava said with a wink as I slid out the booth and walked to the dance floor.

I started dancing to the beat of the bass, moving my body back and forth. I felt someone's body press up on me from behind. I turned around to see who it was but the alcohol caused my vision to blur. The only thing I could make out is blurred and hazy chocolate brown eyes and tan skin. Smirking I started to dance on the stranger. My mind drifted off to what happened last time I started dancing on a guy, but I was just having fun tonight, nothing serious.

The stranger grabbed my hips and started to sway with me to the music. The heat between us was intense, sweat was starting to form at my forehead as I continued to dance on this guy.

"Yeah, just like that." I heard the stranger half moan, which made me stop my dancing. I recognized that voice anywhere.

I blinked my eyes to try to focus better and I looked at my stranger's face. It was Calum.

"Renna?" I heard someone's else voice call from behind me. "What the fuck?" Ashton said as he appeared, his face angry and his knuckles white.

What the hell had I gotten myself into?

"Ash- Ashton it's not what you think." I slurred and even as drunk as I was I could see Ashton was using all his patience not to punch Calum.

"Well explain."

How do I explain this? I opened my mouth but his voice cut me off.

"Never mind." He said and stormed off.

"Wait!" I called and moved to follow him but ended up tripping over my own feet.

Ashton was walking out , Calum was muttering swear words under his breath, and I was laying on the floor wasted as fuck. What a night.


Sorry for taking so long to upload, I had my cheer competition so cheer is finally over so I will have more time to write. But field hockey is starting tomorrow but the practices and season isnt as long so I will have more time.

Please keep reading my Mikey fic!

Next upload soon!

ily x





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