Chapter Sixteen

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I just started school so I will try to upload as much as I can and at least once a week, more if I have time

Thanks for all the comments on the last chapter they are really nice to see people like my story! And 4.1k IS AWESOME THANKS GUYS!!



It was proven that getting over Ashton was hell. I didn't have that much history with him but he has is claws deep in me from the very start and I was hooked. I would wake up in the middle of the night and I would either have to sleep with Calum or imagine Ashton was behind me to fall back into a restless sleep. I didn't see Ashton at the coffee shop or on campus and I was almost never at my dorm, it held to many memories and Ashton could walk in there at any second.

I spent my nights at Calum's house. I couldn't ask for anyone better right now. We would watch a movie every night if we had finished all of our school work and every other day one of us would cook but sometimes we just order pizza or takeout. He offered to let me stay for as long as I needed and almost every night I found myself in his bed and he was there to comfort me and my broken heart.

After a week or so I stopped thinking of Ashton as much, I guess this really was the end. I wanted so badly for Ashton to change and come back to me and show me he changed for me but I knew that only happened in the movies. He didn't even try to talk to me so that showed he didn't care. I had to let him go and let myself free of him. I was going to focus on me now and try and forget Ashton didn't happen.

"So Renna I have a surprise for you." Calum said one morning as I was in the kitchen frying eggs.

"Oh no a Calum surprise. What is it?"

"I have a friend who is inserted in you and you need to move on and find other guys so I was thinking you two could go on a date to the 5SOS gig tonight." Calum said.

I opened my mouth to say no thanks but I looked over at him and he was giving me the biggest grin ever, how could I say no to Calum? Plus he was right I needed to see other people and move on.

"Okay fine." I said and Calum looked like he won the lottery.

"Im taking you to the gig and we are all going to meet there." He said.

"We?" I asked nervously. My stomach started to get a queasy feeling. I hope he didn't mean who I thought he did.

"I was hoping you wouldn't catch on to that." Calum muttered.

"Is he going to be there?" I gulped, he queasy feeling getting stronger.


The room became still.

"I'll still go." I surprised myself by saying.


"Yeah I cant let him control what I do. Im not going alone so its not like he's going to try anything on me . He has probably already found another girl to mess with." 

"Good. Now lets get going to class."


"Ready?" Calum called from downstairs.

"Yeah!" I called.

I did one last mirror check. I was wearing gray skinny jeans and a new black 5SOS shirt that Calum gave me so I could support them in a shirt that Ashton hasn't given to me. I walked down the stairs and into the passenger seat of Calum's car. I really needed to get a job so I can get my own car. I have enough in my savings but I wanted some money in my account left over.

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