Chapter Twenty Three

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Hey everyone! 

I hope you all have had a great Christmas and break and have an amazing New Years 

I uploaded my Mikey fanfic so please continue to check that out! 



Ashton's POV

 I woke up with a splitting headache, damn hangover. I felt the warm presence of a body on the other side of the bed, Renna. I smiled to myself and turned around, wrapped my arms around her waist, and pulled her closer. 

"Get the fuck off of me!" I heard Renna snap, but it wasn't Renna's voice. 

I opened my eyes to see a blonde haired girl glaring at me, she looked like Renna but Ren was far more beautiful. She was more beautiful than anyone. 

"We agreed to be over and that's it and now you're trying to spoon me!" She spat as she got up from my bed, in nothing but her underwear and started to shrug on her jeans.

"Wait, what did we do exactly?" I said and then looked down at myself, I was naked except for my boxers. I got a sick feeling in my stomach.

She just rolled her eyes and threw her sweatshirt on. As she opened my bedroom door she turned around and said "We fucked." 

A couple seconds later I heard my front door open and shut. I felt sick, and not just from the hangover. 

I had slept with that girl. What would Renna think? I could never tell her, she would never figure out. But I knew if I did that I was just digging my hole deeper. We wern't even together, why does it feel like i've dibe wrong to her? Technically I havm't done anything wrong, she left last night, not me.

No, I couldn't but the blame on her. Not this time. I was wrong, not her. My heart ached to have her here. To hold her, to hold her hand, to kiss her neck. Show her the affection I've always been too scared to show her. I didn't deserve her, and she knew that. But yet she still stayed next to me, through all the shit I did to her. Why did she stay, something I've always wondered. 

I knew if I had any chance to make Renna not hate me, if she already dosn't, is to tell her the truth. It would hurt her, so much, and like always I would be the reason for that hurt. God why am I such an ass? 

I picked up my phone and dialed Renna's number. One ring, two, three, damnit Renna pick it up. After the fifth ring I heard her wary voice.

"What do you want?" I heard her voice, her amazing voice. I could tell she was trying to sound angry but her voice wavered and I knew she just had a battle with herself to answer the call or not.

"I, I need to talk to you. It's very important." 

"Ashton. I don't want to hear any of you're bull-"

"It's none of that. Renna please, I need to tell you this." I cut her off. 

There was silence.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

She agreed. She agreed, I really would have to tell her.

I got out of bed and decided to take a quick shower. Once I was done I got dressed in some sweatpants and a tanktop. I stood pacing in the living room, just waiting for the soor to swing open. This feeling of guilt was killing me, my stomach hurt and so did my head. Why couldn't she be faster? 

Then there was a quiet knock on my door. I went to open it and saw her there. Her straight hair down, cascading to her middle back. She wouldn't meet my eyes, she just shouldered past me into my apartment. 

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