Chapter Four

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Hiya! :)

I hope everyone is liking the story so far, I have so much planned for this story!



I woke up and looked at the clock. It was nine and my classes started at ten. I quickly went to the bathroom and pulled my hair in a messy ponytail and slipped on my shorts and shirt from yesterday. I threw on my shoes and then rushed over to Ashton and shook him awake.

"What? Huh." He said.

"Can you drive me to campus? Please, my classes start in like thirty minutes." I basically begged him.

"Uh, yeah." He said and got up. I couldn't help but noticed his body and glad he was shirtless. What the hell was I thinking, I had to stop.

Ashton quickly put on a shirt and his shoes and followed me out to his car. Im surprised he didn't complain about this and Im surprised I asked Ashton to drive me when I could have asked Calum. We drove in silence as I freaked out inside my mind about being late on the first day of class. Five minutes later Ashton pulled to the curb right outside my class, five minutes before class starts.

"Thanks Ashton. I owe you one." I said and rushed to my class.

After my classes where over I walked back to my dorm. I was hungry and I just wanted to take a hot shower. Ava and Kayla weren't home, probably out again. I took off my shoes and headed to the shower. The hot water relaxed my muscles and calmed me. I shut off the water and wrapped a towel around my body and walked to my dresser to get some clothes.

All of the sudden the dorm door opened and Ashton walked in.

"Jesus! Ashton what the hell are you doing here?" I yelled and ran to the bathroom. I heard him laugh.

"You owe me remember!" He called.

"Well you could have knocked!" I yelled from the bathroom.

"Sorry!" Ashton yelled but the way he was laughing I knew he wasn't sorry.

"Well swap places with me! I need to change." I called and Ashton walked into the bathroom and I walked out.

"Close the door!" I called. "Perv." I muttered and walked to my dresser.

"Heard that!" He called, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

I quickly changed into sweatpants and a T-Shirt and brushed my hair and left it down.

"You can come out now." I called and Ashton poked his head out the bathroom.

"Get dressed in real clothes!" Ashton said when we saw me.

"Why." I complained.

"Because I was going to take you somewhere."

"Well Im tired so you can either wait until tomorrow to take me somewhere or leave by yourself." I said and picked up my phone and ordered takeout.

Ashton opened his mouth to protest but I turned my back to him. He stomped off to my bed and laid down. I couldn't help but smile, I had told him no and he hates being told no.

"Takeout will be here in a couple minutes." I said and hung up my phone. "Are you staying or leaving?" I asked.

"I guess I'll stay for a while." Ashton said and I found myself silently cheering.

"So why do I owe you again?" I said and walked towards my bed.

"Because earlier today you said you owed me one driving you. Your gonna pay me back tomorrow." He said and gave me a smirk.

"Come here." He said and patted the empty space next to him. Surprising myself I obeyed him and laid down next to him.

"Why do you wanna take me somewhere? I thought you had Jess." I asked.

"Who said I was taking you on a date. I thought we would go somewhere as friends."

"Oh. I just figured." I said and looked away. I don't know why but my heart felt heavy now, I wanted Ashton to leave now.

"By the way, Im not dating Jess. I don't really date at all."

"Thats nice." I said coldly and got up and walked to the bathroom. I pretended to go to the bathroom and wash my hands but I just wanted an excuse to not lay close to Ashton. Right when I got out the bathroom the door knocked and I paid and got my food.

I switched on the TV and climbed up to the top bunk so I wouldn't have to lay close to Ashton.

"The bed is cold without you." Ashton said.

"Get under the covers." I said and took a bite of my food.

"Sassy much?" Ashton muttered and I smiled.

Once I ate about half of my food I climbed down and handed my food to Ashton.

"You want it?" And he nodded and took the food.

Once he finished he threw away his food and sat back in my bed.

"Come here." He said softly and patted the bed next to me.

His voice was like velvet, I wanted it. I walked to him like a moth to a flame. I laid down next to him and took a deep breath. His sent filled my lungs, it comforted me.

"Tell me about yourself. Like your favorite color, your favorite food, and what annoys you." He said and brushed the hair off my cheek, causing the same tingle.

"My favorite color is blue because theres many shades. My favorite food is rice. And many things annoy me."

"Well whats the biggest thing?"

"When someone stabs me in the back, especially when I trusted them."

"Has that happened to you?"

"Yeah. You?"


I bit back my thought that normally if you aren't the person getting hurt that you are the one that hurts people.

"Do you trust me?" Ashton asked.

"No. I've only known you for two days." I said, leaving out the bit that he had terrible mood swings.

There was a silence.

"I think you should go. Its late." I said and got up from the bed.

"We're still on for tomorrow Ren." Ashton sad and walked out the dorm.

"That's not my name." I whispered. I walked back to my bed and climbed in. I put my head on the pillow and a caught a faint smell of Ashton, and I wanted more.


After my classes I went back to my dorm and took a shower. Ashton wouldn't tell me where we where going so I didn't know how to dress.

I just pulled on jeans, a flowery tanktop, and a cream long sleeved sweater. I slipped on my shoes and waited for Ashton to show up. Thirty minutes turned into an hour and an hour turned into two. I rolled my eyes, it was stupid for me to think he was going to be nice for once. He was probably out with his mistress Jess.

I wasn't going to wait around all night. I grabbed my phone and texted Ava for Calum's number. Once she gave it to me I texted him and asked if he wanted to meet me somewhere for dinner. He agreed and gave me an address to meet him, a pizza place. At least someone wanted to spend time with me.

Twenty minutes later I was waiting outside the pizza place.

"Hey Renna!" Calum called and got out his car. I gave him a hug.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I smiled. His touch didn't leave the same tingle as Ashton's. I just shook Ashton out of my thoughts. We walked in and started heading to a table when Calum called out to someone.

"Ashton! Hey!"

I turned around and saw Ashton siting at a booth with Jess. Our eyes locked for a second and I hoped he could read the venom, and upset in my eyes.


Thanks for reading!

Its almost my birthday, Yay! :D





Play Me Like The Drums {Ashton Irwin/5SOS Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora