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"It wasn't supposed to be like this at all. I was supposed to just be a useless pawn to get to what actually mattered- Rin. She was unique, and she had something they were looking desperately for- something called Laristatem." The word rolled off of Len's tongue bitterly and full of venom. Laristatem was the reason his life was so screwed up. It was the reason he couldn't be normal. It was what would shape their treacherous vision of the new world. If that God-awful thing didn't exist, life would be so much better. But, nope, everything has be complicated and difficult to handle.

Both luckily and unluckily, Laristatem was extremely rare, only being found in a few people. It was lucky because it meant that getting the Laristatem was an extremely difficult task, which would obviously delay their plans. Unlucky, because if they found those who had it, they would do whatever they could to have that person in their possession.

Yohio looked at him with horror. "Laristatem...Rin has it?"

"Had it." Len corrected. Yohio looked surprised at this, then his expression slowly changed to one of confusion. He studied Len with his ruby red eyes carefully.

"But...the only way to get rid of it from a person, is to transfer it, right?" Yohio cautiously asked. Len nodded.

"This Laristatem thing..." Miku muttered from next to him. "Who did it transfer to, then? If this thing- whatever the hell it is, because you haven't explained it yet- is as rare and if they want it so much is with someone else, won't they be in danger?"

"That person can protect himself," Len mumbled. "And the people they care about." Len

"But who is it, Len?" Yohio asked, his voice firm and sharp. He stared at Len with piercing eyes, and tension quickly filled the room as they awaited the Kagamine's response. He knew that they knew it, and they knew it, too. The two of them knew, deep down, who it was. They just didn't want to believe it until they heard it for themselves.


The room was quiet. Len didn't look anyone in the eye, his expression stoic. Miku looked at Len, though she did not look surprised.

"Of course..." She sighed. "Len Kagamine, the infamous, mystery shrouded, 16 year old who'd do anything for his family." She brushed a lock of hair out of her face. Len was vaguely surprised that she didn't throw an insult in with what she'd just said, but given their current situation, Len could see why she'd be so serious.

"Is that why they're targetting you?" Yohio muttered. "Because...because you have that cursed thing in you? As if that wasn't bad enough?" Len rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Though, admittedly, the Laristatem itself was a huge part as to why Blackport wanted him so much, their reasons, like everything, had much darker undertones to it. Obviously, he would prefer not to tell Miku. The less she knew, the safer she was.

"...Yeah." Len lied. "That's pretty much it." Thankfully for Len, neither Miku or Yohio sniffed out his fib. The tealette next to him gazed at the wall on the opposite side of her.

"Why do they need the Laristatem? What did they do to you to make you like this?" Len nearly flinched at the question he dreaded to answer. What was done to him, and what he's done was unspeakable. He never wanted anybody to know what he's become over the short span of 2 years. They would be disappointed and terrified.

Naturally, the Kagamine didn't reply at first. However, this only caused Yohio to realize half of what Miku had asked. His eyes widened, then they turned dark with fear.


Len snapped his fingers. "Correct-o. For a really long time, I was their punching bag. Luckily, I've always been a determined son of a bitch." Yohio looked like he was going to be sick, despite Len's attempt to make the situation not as heavy. Miku looked like she just realized something.

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