[Satan's Little Errand Boy Is Busy]

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"To me, this world is nothing but evil, and my own evil just happened to come out cause of the circumstances of what I was doing.-Aileen Wuornos (killed seven men at point blank .1956-2002.)

And that's how it was for us. We just fell into our roles, just like that. Gerard became less of a Stockholm Syndrome victim and more of a crazy little nympho who wanted nothing more than to please me with everything he did. I got around to mentioning him to my father who was glad to hear my proposal of having an apprentice. Although, I totally left out the part where I let Gee out of the Room alive and fucked him on the daily. I'm sure he already knew that, but I didn't want him thinking I was losing my grip or anything. Because, oh how I wasn't. In fact, Gerard, if anything, made me more savage than I'd ever been. He got off on it. So, I'd do anything I could to make him look at me with those blacked out eyes and his bottom lip caught between his teeth. It became more about getting Gerard hot under the collar than actually getting answers. Fortunately for me, those two things worked hand-in-hand. Gee would mostly just sit on top of the rolling metal cabinet that held all of my tools and watch. Occasionally he'd take out a scalpel and twirl the smooth metal rod through his fingers as if it were an ink pen and just smile as I worked my magic. Towards the beginning, he was a little leery to help, said he didn't want to mess up my work, but it didn't take long before he was right there next to me in his own splattered, white attire. Soon enough we were the Dynamic Duo, but not the ones coming to sweep you from the grasps of evil. Oh no, we were the evil. Eventually we were going on hits together. Now those, those were fun. That's where Gee got to really strut his stuff. We all had our on way of making certain individuals comply with our requests, Benny's was date rape drugs (knock them out only to have them wake up in my domain), mine was a 9 mil into a few joints (9 times out of 10 it only took one shot), but Gee, he opted for something a little different. Gee's weapon of choice was a black, wooden, baseball bat that he'd found in an alley somewhere while we were out on a job one night. He'd begged me to let him keep it and god knows I can't say 'no' to him when he begs like that. That was the first night he got in on the action. I'd had pretty much subdued that guy, although he was trying to be a 'real man' and was still standing even with a busted left ankle.

"Frankie? Can I?" Gee had asked me. I was a little shocked to say the least, but I was more than ready to let him have a go. I held my gun out to him expecting him to take it and let the guy have it, but he wasn't having any of that. He shook his head and whipped the bat out from behind his back. I couldn't help laughing a little at the sight.

"Go ahead, baby, make my day."

The next thing I know, Gerard's prowling around in circles around the guy, asking him questions and getting into his head. The guy's clearly more scared of Gee's blood churning grin and that bat than he was of me and my gun. He was close to giving us what we wanted.

"You know what's neat about cats, Jim?" Gerard had drawled out, addressing the man in our custody. The world's most random fucking sentence ever uttered before beating the shit out of someone. Of course the poor kid had no clue where Gee was going with that, and neither did I for that matter, but Gerard stopped stalking around him and leaned in close to his face, making a twinge of jealousy flash through my system. Then he told him what was so neat about cats.

"They like to play with their food before they eat it." He snapped his teeth at the guy and then that devilish grin made its way back onto his face as he drew back and slammed the bat square into the kid's chest. "Who are you working for, Jimmy?"

He gave some stupid answer like 'your mom', so Gee drew back and hit him again. I swear on my life I heard bones crack, and trust me, I'd know that sound anywhere. The kid finally cracked, literally and metaphorically, and ended up giving us the name of some low blow, jack ass. Gerard looked to me, making sure that's all we needed.

"That's all we needed, baby." I told him. He leaned down to whisper to Jim who was now knocked down on his knees.

"Lights out, sugar." Then, in one smooth motion, he flipped the bat in his grip and smash it directly into Jim's temple. There was blood coating the end of the bat and cast off coating Gerard. He turned to look at me, splatter all across his face, and smiled. "Was that okay, Frankie?" He'd asked. I had dragged his ass back to the house and fucked him so good he didn't shut up about it for a week straight. Needless to say, the baseball bat was his thing, and I, personally, fucking loved it. I'd always let him have them. I'd slow them down or stop them from running and then just let Gee have his way. It was more fun that way.

Saviour of the Brokenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें